Chapter 31

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Secret POV

I watch Kelly leave Peter's house then wait for Peter to go back into his house before I start my car and drive after Kelly. They told me not to do this, but I am sick and tyred of waiting for them to make a move.

They do have great plans, but Peter and Kelly just ceep on to ruin my life at school. Just a few days a go, Peter humilliated me in front of the whole school. I used to be the popular one, but now he is. And he is now also taking all of my friends. All except two.

The two girls who is working with me to put those two in their places.

I drive in silence after Kelly. Making sure not to get to close to her. I just want to see where she lives. She turnes into another street and then turn into a driveway of a nice house.

She climbes out of the car and walks to the front door. As soon as she reaches it, a boy comes out of the door and hugs her. Wait! Not just any boy, but Kevin James. That makes so mutch sense...

I cannot wait to tell the others the new news...


Peter's POV.

Sitting in the back of a car for almost two hours can be torture. Sitting in one position for the whole time and only looking out of the window. It. Is. Torture.

We exited the city almost an hour ago, and now we are driving in the woods on our way to heck knows where. Ben got the destenation and refuses to tell us where we are going...

Emily seems to know where... but just like her brother, she refuses to tell us.

"I'm gonna ask one last time, whe-" Barry begins.

"Barry, before you waste your breath, we are not, I repeat, NOT, telling you two where we are going." Emily says with a huge smile on her face.

This has been going on for like half an hour already, and it is giving me a headache.

"Come on! Just tell me!" Barry whines again.

"No." Emily and Ben says at the same time.



"Come on!"

"Barry! I swear I will throw you out of this car if you say one more thing!" I say frustrated.

He lifts up his hands in defeat. "Okey, baby brother." I roll my eyes and look out of the window again at the passing by trees and bushes. I really hate that nickname. He had it for me ever since we started middle school. Back in the times that I threw him with anything I can get my hands on...

Yes... I used to throw Barry with anything I could get my hands on, and I mean ANYTHING.

Suddenly, I feel the car slowing down. I sit up straight to see what is happening, but then we take a left turn into a smaller road going deeper into the woods.

The trees becomes less dense at a point and starts to clear up, to show a beautyful house in the woods. It had large windows overlooking a valley. The bottom half af it was covered in cladding while the top half is mostly logs.

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