Chapter 41

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Kelly's POV.

I really don't want to go to school today. I dread the moment that I need to see Peter. My heart aches every time I see him. And that sucks. But the thing is, my emotions is to stron for me to just puss away.

I still love him.

There. I said it.

Do I love him? Yes. Would I jump at any oppertunity to get him back...? I'm not really sure... yes? No? Mabey?

And this is the part that frustrates me... he still tried to talk to me... but today seems different... I walk through the school hallways, and spot him... he just walkes past me, without even looking at me, and that breaks my heart a little bit more.

I am to mezmerised by him, not to notice Alice run up to me, with Emily shortly on her heels. Alice jumps on me, and hugs me tight, so tight that it is very hard to breathe. I push her away lightly and look at her.

"You should really stop hugging me that tight!" I say while trying to get my breath back.

"Sorry." She says, a huge smile is still plastered on her face, if I didn't know her, I would probably think that she isn't sorry at all. "I'm just a little excited."

Emily frowns and looks at Alice. "A little? That is the biggest understatement of the year."

I snort out a laugh. Alice just rolls her eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'm VERY excited. Happy now?" Alice looks at Emily who is holding on to a very fake proud smile.

She nods. "Very."

"Uhm, guys?" I ask. The look at me. I think they actually forgot that I am also still here. "What are you so excited about?" I ask. Almost immedeately Alice's face lights up. She jumps up and down on her two feet, making her look like a three year old girl who wants some ice cream.

"Well, I decided to take you and Emily to that fancy mall on the other side of town. You know the one with all the expencive things and so on. So I am taking you and Emily this Friday!" Alice squeeled. Sometimes I really don't understand this blonde girl in front of me.

"Okay." I say. "So when should I be ready?" I ask, a hint of excitement making its way into my chest. "Oh my goodness, what should I wear?"

Alice just laughs. "Chill your horemones." She says. I just roll my eyes. "Be ready at seven. Wear something sexy, but classy." She wincked.

The bell rang, signalling the start of homeroom. I sighed and made my way there.

Peter's POV

Why do we have Geography? Heck knows.

I take in a deep breath and sigh out of bordom. I really cannot wait for the end of this period. Then it is lunchtime, and let me tell you, I am feffing hungry. The only thing I dread is the bullieng and to see Kelly.

I am super excited about the plan Alice presented, and cannot wait to do it. But I need to wait, an agonizingly long wait untill "the time is right" as Alice said. And by time is right, she meens friday.

And we are only at Monday! Urgh I hate time.

The ear piercing sound of the bell pulls me out of my daydream. I stand up and walk out of the most boring class of all time.

But I dread walking out of the class, as there is pictures of me and Kelly placed all over the school walls. It is a picture of our faces with the word 'killer' written in red over the picture.

I stared at it in horror. My body began to shake with shock, pain and most of all anger. My mouth was slightly open. I took deep, shaky breaths as I walked up to one of the posters.

The other students looked at me with blank faces. I grab a picture of me and pull it off. In the left bottom corner is a picture of my sister. Above the picture is a sentence saying "killed by him". I looked at the picture of Kelly, and the exact same things, just a picture of a girl that I didn't reconize.

That is when I hear a loud, heartbraking scream. Kelly. I turn my head into the direction of of the sound and saw her. Thears are streaming down her face. She takes a few steps back and stumble, but then catch her balance, turns and run, her sobs echoing against the walls.

"What is going on he-" I heard Barry's voice. He stopped as soon as he saw me, then looked at the poster. His eyes grew larger, and his face turns into a deep shade of red. Tears are shining in his eyes. "WHO THE F*CK DID THIS!" He bellowed. People immedeately backing away in fear.

That is when a police affecer walked down the hall restraining a girl, folloed by two other police offecers, just the one was restraining another girl, the other one was holding a struggling boy.

Tony, Nikky, and Rebecca.

"What is going on here?" I ask in a shaky voice.

One police offecer who wasn't restraining anyone, came up to me. "Well, there three are the ones that did this. We found multiple photo's of you and this girl on one of thier lap tops." He explained.

I looked at Rebecca, my ex-girlfrien who cheeted on me with Barry.

"Why?" I ask her.

She snorts and looks at me with evel eyes. "You took everything from me!" And with that the police officer took her away.

The offecer turns to me. "They are being charge with invasion of privacy, and stalking." He says. I nodded, and start to walk away. I really need time to breathe. I walk to the back doors of the school and sit on the stairs.

I hear the doors open. Someone comes and sits next to me, followed by three others. I look to my left and see Barry. Kevin, Alex and Jhonny are seated on my left.

"Peter, it will all be allright." Barry says. I almost laughed at his poor vocab.

"Yah, dude." I looked at Kevin. He wincked. He knows about my plan to get Kelly back. I really just hope that it goes to plan.

"You know what?" I ask. "It will be alright." They all smile at my new optimisim, causing me to smile for the first time since I broke up with Kelly, and I really missed it.


Hay! I know this chapter sucks, but it is a chapter!😉😉

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can any of you guys guess what Peter's plan is? Well let me know by leaving a comment or two!

Please remember to vote!!


Stay awesome!!

Yours truely,


P.S. I plan about three more chapters and an epiloge!! Enjoy!!

Instagram: jacodejongh101

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