Chapter 24

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Unpacking a moving van is mutch harder than it looks. All of the heavy boxes, and let me tell you, the workers make it look so easy, but don't be fooled, it's not.

I sigh as I slouch back into the coutch. I feel so filthy and sweated. I really need to take a shower. But just as quikly as the sweat comes out, it freezes again. Yes it's that cold.

"Are you alright there, Peter?" Paul askes, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yah, I think." I must say, I actually sound very unsure in my own ears.

Paul let out a small chuckle and roled his eyes. Mumbeling something like 'teenagers' under his breath.

"Okey. You need to clean up. A girl called, saying that she's coming over. Said her name is Kelly, I think." He says.

"Yup." I say popping the 'p' "That is her name."

"Do I know this Kelly. Well what I mean is, have I met her because the name sounds very familiar . But I'm not really sure." He askes, well more like stated. He scrached the back of his neck, like he always does when he's not sure of something.

"Yah. You met her once." I say sitting up straight to face Paul. "The blonde girl that I carreed in her."

"Oh yah. Now I remember. The one with the bleeding arms." He says.

"That's the one." I say lifting up my hands. "Well. I'm gonna take a shower."

"Yah, you do that. Because you smell." He says swatting away the wind in front of his nose. I roll my eyes and just go past him. Making sure that I walk close enough so that he can smell my 'stinch'.

I walk into my room and head straight for the bathroom. Not before making a pitt stop at the closet to grab clean clothes of cource.

I open the warm water on full and step into the shower. I let the warm water fall over my skin and I close my eyes to prevent the water from falling into my eyes. The water always relaxes me for some reson.

After a few minutes of just standing there, I decide to wash my hair and condition it. Yes. Guys also uses condidioner. After washing myself, I dry myself off with one of the soft fluffy towels in my bathroom and clothe myself.

I look into the mirror and see a stubble growing on my face. I need a shave. I have a bad habbit of not shaving every day, like I'm supposed to. Well. Better now tan never.

After shaving, I walk out of my room and back downstairs, to see that everyone, except Barry, is gathered around the table and just chatting and laughing. But I spot the familiar blonde, sitting next to an open seat.

"Oh, hey, Peter." My mother chirpes. "So nice of you to join us."

My hand finds Kelly's under the table. Our fingers intertwines and I look at her to see her smiling. Her ocean blue eyes are focused on my mother as she is telling stories. Probably about me and Barry. Her eyes finds mine and I can see her face becoming more serious.

My heart is pounding in my chest. The effect this girl has on me...

"Sorry to inturrupt, lovebirds." I hear Emily clear her throat. "But I have an announcement to make." She stands up from her seat and pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

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