Chapter 32

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Kelly's POV.

After driving home from Peter's place I got this wierd feeling that someone is following me. Looking out of my rare view mirror, I saw a white BMW following me. I couldn't make out the driver, though.

I just cept on driving like normal, just not to look sespicious, until I reach my house.

As soon as I reach my house, I jump out of my car and lock it. I speedwalk up to the front door and bang on it as loud as I can.

A few seconds later, Kevin opens the door.

"Someone's following me." I say. His eyes grow larger and he puls me inside of the house and closes the door. He locks it and immedeately turns around to hug me. He pulls me close to him and rests his chin on my head.

"Are you allright?" He asks politely.

"Yah, I am." I reply softly. I pulled away and he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"If you say so."


Peter's POV.

"PETER!" I hear someone yell at me. "Peter, wake up!"

I turn my head and open my eyes to see that Barry is leaning over me.

"What is it?" I groan.

"Well, first of all, it is snowing outside." He says. A smile spreads on his face. "Second of all, its Christmas!" That got my attention... Christmas is one of my favourite hollidays. And it is even better when it is snowing!

Just one problem though, it is super cold. And sadly for me, my body doesn't like the cold weather.

I sit up straight in my bed and rub my eyes. The cod air is already stinging my skin. I start to shiver and grab my robe. I pull it tight around my body and slip out of my bed.

"I'll be down there in a minute." I say to Barry. He nods and turns around to leave the room. He closes the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room. I scan around in the room and my eyes falls on the window. The curtians are pulled back to reviel small snow flakes falling from the sky.

I smile and walk to the window. On my way to the window I grab my phone to text Kelly.

Me: Hey, Kells! Hope all is well, oh and marry Cristmas!! ;-) mis u lots. Love ya! :-) xoxoxo

I send the message and sit back down onto my bed, looking out of the window. After a few minutes, Kelly still didn't reply. Just as I lock my phone, it buzzes.

Kells: hey, Pete! Sorry, u woke me up. Lol. All is well here. Little cold for my taste! ;-) Marry Christmas 2 u 2. Miss u more!! Xoxo

Me: nah! I think I miss u more. ;-)

Kells: are u sure?

Me: pretty sure. 100% :-)

Kells: showoff. Well,enjoy ur X-mas!! Nee 2 go. Talk later?

Me: uuuuuuggghh. Fine. Talk 2 u later! Xoxo.

I smile and place my phone back onto my nightstand.

"Peter! Get your lazy ass down here!" I hear Barry yell. I sigh and walk out of the room. As I walk down the stairs, I see that everyone is in the living room, at the Christmas tree.

I take a seat next to Emily. She smiles at me then focuses back onto the tree. I look at it and see all of the presents underneath it. I have never seen so many presents on Christmas before, and that is kinda sad.

"So glad you could join us, Peter." I look up at Barry to see him smirking.

"Whatever." I reply with no emotion what so ever. Emily snorts. My head snaps in her direction. "What is so funny?"

"Well, you look like shit and you sound like a zombie. You need to lighten up. It's Christmas!" She winks and turns her head to the tree again.

"I know it's Christmas. It's just that I didn't sleep very well last night." I say.

"Well that is to bad."

"Are you two done now?" Ben asks.

"I hope so." I say. He raises his eyebrows and looks at Emily.

"Yes. We are."

He nods and then looks at Paul who has been watching us very quietly.

"Okay." He claps his hands together. "Who is ready for some presents."


Okay guys. I know this chapter is sooooooo short and sooooooo terreble, but the writers block just got worse. But don't worry, I know what is happening in the next chapter.😉😉

Remember to vote and comment!😁😁


Stay awesome!


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