Chapter 27

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This week has been hell.

One of Barry's football team mates, Tony, cept on asking Kelly out, even after she told him that she has a boyfriend. So, I had to put a stop to that by puntching the guy on Friday and telling him to stay away from my girl.And since I'm Barry's brother, the school's queen bee, Nikki, cept on asking me for tips to get Barry to notice her.

I cept on refusing, and that made her fourious, witch led into her bullying Kelly. So Alice stoped that, witch I was grateful for.

The only place where things were great was surprisingly at home. My mother was happier and I talked with Ben and Emily. And the thing that surprised me more was the fact that Barry and I was actually talking and laughing again.

But all of that happy times were thrown down the drain when the memories of my dad came back. I suddenly cept on having that same dream of the day he left us, over and over again.

And what frustrated me more, was the fact that he cept on sending us letters and stuff. Then one day, a random lawer just showed up at our house, asking for information. What we of course refused to give.

I'm currantly seated on my bed, waiting for Kelly, Kevin and Alice to show up.

They thought it was good to just come and visit me, and it would be the first time Alice will meet my mother after she left. Kelly just wanted to visit, like she did almost every friday.

Alex and Jhonny couldn't make it tonight, but it's fine with me. Alice was a little sad that Jhonny won't be here, but oh well.

The doorbell rang and I quikly slipped off of my bed.

I shuffled down the stairs and stopped at the front door and swinged it open.

Standing there, was Kelly (looking as gourgious as always), Alice and Kevin. They all, ironicly, arrived at the same time.

All three of them had big smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at all of them. I quikly hugged Alice and shaked Kevin's hand, before hugging and gently kissing Kelly.

"Peter?" I heard Emily's voice coming from the living room. I could hear her coming closer. "Who was it?" She walked around the corner and looked at all of my friends, her eyes stopping on Kevin. "Oh." She said, slightly embarriced.

She walked closer to Kevin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Kevy." She said smiling at him.

"Hey em-" he atarted before relisation struck him. I looked at Kelly and saw her smiling at me. "Wait. What on earth are you doing at Peter's house? Peter! What is she doing here."

Right then I bursted out laughing. Kelly quikly following. Emily just stood there giggeling. Alice looked just as confused as Kevin.

"He didn't tell you yet did he?" Emily asked still giggeling.

"Tell me what?" He asked. "Don't tell me you two are secretly child sweethaerts and you guys still love eachother."

Emily snorted unatracklively and roled her eyes. "Hell no. Sweety, I'm his stepsister."

He just stood there, scikently looking between me and Emily. Alice gasped in shock and looked at me.

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