chapter 15

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~send my love to your new lover
Treat her better
We've gotte let go of all of our ghosts
We both know we ain't kids no more...


Friday took forever to come.

This week was hecktic and I never want to relive it. Paul and our soon to be stepsiblings came over almost every day for dinner. But today, we are on our own. All I want to do is get out of this school and go bowling with my friends. Then after that Kelly will come over to my house and spend the night.

Welp, first need to get through the last few minutes af school.

I just sat there looking at the wall clock, ticking the time away. I actually considdered throwing it off of the wall.

When the bell decided to ring, I just walked to my locker and went outside. That is where we were going to meet everyone. Just the funny thing was that Jhonny, of all people would want to go out with us? He is the multy millionare then he wants to hang out with us?

Well he did talk to me before I met Kelly, and he always said that he hated his friends, as they were always asking for money. And I did actually consider him as a friend...

"Hey, Peter! Over here!" I hear one of my friend caling. I looked up and saw that I am the only one missing from the group.

"Hey guys." I greeted, quikly giving Kelly a hug.

"What took you so long?" Alice asked. I roled my eyes ignoring her question.

"So, who is going with who?" I asked dumbly.

"Well I can take Alice. Since she doesn't have a car." Jhonny said making Alice blush slightly.

"I can go with Peter." Kelly stated making Kevin look over at her.

"So... I will be left alone." He sighed. "Gee thanjs guys." Kevin said, faking a hurt expression.

Kelly roled her eyes "You can go with Alice and Jhonny." Kelly said matter of factly.

"Fine." He sighed. "Well, see you two at the bowling ally." He said walking away, the other two following him.

"Okey. Lets go." I said taking Kelly's hand. Walking to my car.


"Yes! In yor face!" Jhonny yelled as he struck down all ten of the pins, once again. "Peter, your turn." He said giving me the bowling ball.

I took it gladly and measured it in my hands. It was the right weight, so I just took it.

I threw the ball... well I didn't exactly knew how to do it... so I just threw it. And one thing I can say is... I suck, and mean SUCK in boling.

I watched as my ball only got three pins. Great. Just great. I could hear the rest of the group laugh at how stupid I am, and how I suck.

"Dude, that is not how you do it, for the hunderth time!" Kevin said hopelesly.

"Whatever." I muttered taking a seat next to Kelly, puting my arm around her protectively. "Hey." I said taking a sip of my drink.

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