Chapter 25

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Seeing your father standing at your front door, espicially after he caused you so mutch pain? Can become verry messy.

I stood there glaring at my father. Well, my ex-father.

"How have you been?" He asked. The tone of his voice made me even more angry.

"Why would you care? You didn't care a few years ago, so why would you suddenly care now?" I ask in a very angry voice. He looked down in quilt and that made me smirk at him.

"Because you are my son." He said looking up again.

I laughed a non humerous laugh and rolled my eyes. He looked a little surprised at my rection but I don't care. "Cut the crap. Just tell me what the hell you want."

"Peter? Who is that?" Kelly asked behind me. I looked at her and my father looked surprised.

"Wow, Peter who is that?" He said stepping closer to Kelly. "Well, I am his father of cource." He put his hand out for Kelly to shake it but I slapped it away.

"Do not touch her." I say through clenched teeth. He may have hurt me, but he will not hurt her. "What do you want."

"Well, I came to talk to your mother. I want full coustody of my childeren." He said smirking at me. How dare he? How dare he think that we would let that happen?

I stepped closer to him and looked him in the eye. I was a little taller than him, so I hope it intimedates him a little. "F*ck off." I said. "Emily, go get mom abd Barry." I said to Emily that still stood there. She nodded and speedwalked out of the room, with Ben shortly on her tail.

"Peter, I'm going to go home now." Kelly says as she steps closer to me and kisses me gently.

"Okey, Kells. I'll call you later." She smiled and sterted to walk to the door, but my pathetick excuse of a fater pushed her back and slamed the door shut. Kelly stumbled over her own feet and let out a small scream, but I catched her before she could fall.

"What the hell!" I yelled at my father.

He chuckled and roled his eyes. "I think you should stay, dear. The fun is only starting." He steped closer to her. I could feel her shaking in my arms as I pulled her closer. "And I think you'll want to witness your boyfriend and his brother being taken away from you."

"I swear if you hurt her..." I started.

"You'll what? Huh?" He said. He reached out to take Kelly from me, but a voice stopped him.

"Step away from the girl!" I looked up to see Barry and Mom coming down from the stairs, with Paul, Emily and Ben behind them.

Our Father looked very rurprised to see Barry saying something like that. Barry stepped closer to him and pushed him away from the door.

"Peter, get Kelly out of here." He says as he ceeps our dad away from the door. I quikly pull Kelly to her feet and get her to her car as fast as possible. As we reached her car she calmed down a little bit.

"Hey" I say as I cup her face with my hands. "I'm so sorry that that happened to you."

She smiled warmly. "It's allright, Peter. I know that you don't like your father."

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