chapter 17

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Alice's POV

The car ride to the school was quiet. Very quiet.

Niether Jhonny nor Kevin said a word. So I just sat there. On my own. Feeling quiet. And akward.

We finallly reached the school to drop Kevin off. He climbed out of the car and webt over to my window. I roled it down for him.

"Thanks for the ride. And for inviting me." He said smiling.

"No problem." Jhonny said looking at him with the most beatyful blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Well, see you guys monday!" He said before turning around to start walking.

"Bye, Kevin!" I yelled before he was out of ears reach. I roled up my window and sat back in my seat.

"So, you want to go get dinner tonight?" Jhonny asked. He looked nervous. Really nervous. It's because he likes you dumb dumb!! The voice in my head ceeps on yelling over and over.

"Are you," I said pointing my finger at him, "asking me out?"

"Umm... yeah. I am actually. I liked you the moment you walked into the school. You were the prettiest girl I ever saw. So, will you have dinner with me tonight?" He said making the heat rush to my cheeks. I probbably looked as red as a tamatoe.

"Umm... shure. Let's go!" I said.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Just shut up and take me where you want to take me." I stated. He nodded and strted the car. He stared to drive and just a few minutes later, we pulled up next to a fancy Italian resturant.

"C'mon!" Jhonny said as he took my hand and pulled me to the resturant. We sat at a table with white table cloths and plates already put down.

The waiter finally decided to come at take our orders. A few minutes later the food arrived. The smell of spegetti hit my nose as soon as the plate was put down in front of me.

Jhonny was nice. We talked and laughed, and the best part is, it wasn't akward! Well that is untill he decided to speak again.

"Be my girlfriend!" He blurted out, taking my hand. I was shocked at those few words.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked in a softer tone. Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!!!! My mind voice cept on yelling inside me.

"Jhonny, I...."


Peter's POV.

I woke up the next morning with Kelly fast asleep. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I tuged a piece of her hair behind her ear, to get a look at her face. She is really beatyful.

She shifted in her sleep, opening her eyes, to reveal a light ocean blue color.

"Good morning." I said softly. She smiled weakly and streached her arms out.

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