Chapter 44 (final chapter)

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Peter's POV

All I can think of is how cold and dark it is. I cannot see anything.

I want to shiver, but my body is unmoving. I cannot feel anything. I will my eyes to open, but they won't. I will my hand to move, my fingers to wiggle, but they disobey my every command.

I feel like I am floating in an eternal see of darkness, unable to move, unable to stop myself from drowning.

I feel something warm wrap around my hand. I crave the feeling of being warm once again, but it doesn't happen.

"Peter." I hear a soft voice. Kelly's voice. I hear her every day and it helps to calm me down. "You know, Peter... I say this every day, but who cares... we really miss you. And I want you to wake up." I can hear the sadness in her voice, and I cannot help but think that I am the cause of her sadness.

"I love you, Peter." She says softly. I feel her lips being pressed against my forehead, and when she pulls away, she leaves me craving for more. "I hope you know that."

I want to scream at her. To scream out my love for this girl that is standing next to my bed. I want to tell her that this is not her fault, and that she shouldn't be upset, because she has nothing to do with my state.

I want to scream at the world for being so cruel, for locking me in this room of darkness and freezing temperatures, for everything that happened to me in my life, for causing my father to drive his car in to mine, purposely.

I want to hold Kelly in my arms and whisper soothing words into her ears. I want to help her calm down. I just want to help her...

"I got an A in chemistry today." I hear Kelly say. "Stupid Mr.Chubby ceep on asking where you are, then we have to remind him every single day. I swear that that teacher is not as smart as he should be. I mean, we already know that." I hear her chuckle, but there is no humour in her voice.

Images starts to flash through my mind. Images of me and Kelly. Kelly smiling when we first met in that chemistry class. When we kissed on the football field. The time when I took her out on that boat trip. And all those things has one thing in common, Kelly's smile.

Now I see other images. Not things from the past but things that still need to happen.

I am sitting on the porch of a house with Kelly next to me. I have my arm wrapped around her shoulder and she is holding a child in her arms. A baby girl with beautiful, curly blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkle like the stars. The girl is smiling at her mother, showing her toothless grin.

A young boy runs up to me and throws his arms around my neck. The boy is avout four years old and has blonde hair like Kelly, but my blueish green eyes. Kelly laughs as the boy tackles me, and I throw him over my shoulder and start to tickle him. He giggles as I do this. I place him on my hip and smile down at him.

I follow his gaze to his mother. Kelly. She is smiling up at me with her beautiful smile. Her blue eyes is full of excitement. I smile back at her before she turns her head to the sunset. She looks at the sunset, but I look at the ray of sunshine right in front of me.


"Kelly," a voice brings me out of my dream. "You have to rest." I recognise the voice as my mom.

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