chapter 4

128 15 4

Pic of Barry above :-)


~And I'll rise up
I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up
I'll rise unafraid~

Peter's POV.

Monday finally decided to come. Yaaaaaay! My alarm clock is screaming beside me, giving me a headache. I reach out and smash the stop button and the alarm clock stops imedeately.

Yesterday was an awful day, though. Barry did not stop pestering me and my mother cept on trying to apoligise for what she did, but I wouldn't allow her to. I mean, hasn't she hurt me enough? I am already broken... I don't need any more pain in my life. I just want to get through high school and leave the house so I can get as far away from my family as possible.

I sit upright and strech my arms out. I get out of bed and walk over to my closet to get dresed. I put on a simple black v-neck t-shirt and my usual blue jeans. I'm nor in the mood to dress up today.

I go into the bathroom to comb my hair and put on my glasses, but when I reach out for my glasses they're just not there. I minnedeately know who took it, as it it always the same bloody person. Barry. The only person who knows where I put my glasses at night while I am asleep.

I storm out of my bedroom. But slam into the wall on my attempt to reach Barry's room. Without my glasses or contacts, well let's just say that I'm as blind as a mole. I pat the wall trying to find his doornob and open it.

"Woah! What is it, Peter?" He yells. Frustration, mixed with surprise is very evident in his voice. He's probably in his underwear or something, but right at the moment I don't give a shit. I am so angry and frustrated at him for taking my glasses, again, causing me to walk into a wall a few times.

"Where is it!" I demand.

"Where is what?" He asks. I groan ad take a deep breath. This boy is for frigging frustrating at times. "Oh and dude..."

"What!" I yell. I just don't have the power for his stupid games anymore.

"You are talking to the wall." He says. I immeadeately turn to the sound of his voice, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment and anger. I could only imagine him smiling at me, 'cause I probably looked as stupid as hell.

"Whatever. Now where is it!" I ask again changing the topic. I am seriously getting irritated right now.

"Dude, I do not know what you are talking about. Where is what?" He asks again. I hear a hint of teasing in his voice. He probably knows what I'm talking about, he just likes to keep himself stupid.

I let out a frustrated sigh. Sometimes, he can be such a douche if he wants to be. "My glasses!"

"Oh... yeah, about that..." Here it comes. The part where he tells me that he 'acedentely' broke, or used it for a science experement (it's a looooong story). "I broke them." He says.


I hear a bag rufflling somewhere in the room, then footsteps coming closer to me. "Here." I hear Barry say and i feel him shoving a small box into my hands.

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