chapter 21

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Monday is torture. Just like always.

The best part about today was that I forgot about my chemistry homework, so now I have detension after school. Yay for me!!

And I forgot my lunch at home, witch ment that I needed to eat cafeteria food. And trust me, you don't want it to touch you skin. At least I always bring spare money with me... oh wait, I forgot that at home, ASWELL.

Can this day get any worse? I mentally ask myself.

I walked into the cafeteria and sat down into my seat. Kelly was already there eating her lunch peacefully. She glanced at me and must have probably noticed the thunder cloud on top of my head.

"What did you forget this time?" She sighed. Man she knows me too well.

"Where to begin?" I asked. "It all started with chemistry, where I forgot my homework, then I noticed that I forgot my lunch at home and noticed that I left my spare change at home aswell."

"Oh, Peter." Kelly sighed. "There's no hope for you." She said while pushing me a half of her sandwich, witch I took happily.

I roled my eyes and saw Kevin and Jhonny walking towards us. Ever since that bowling night, Jhonny started to sit with us during lunch. They were laughing and looked like they were having a good time.

"Hey guys." Jhonny greeted before sutting down.

"Hi." I grumbled taking another bite out of my sandwitch.

"Man, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Kevin asked raising his eyebrows. "Because you look ready to kill anybody that irretates you."

"I'm afraid I woke up on the forgetting side of bed." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh." Kevin said and slouched back into his seat. "One of those days huh?"

"Afraid so." I said looking at him. He was smirking at me and I sent him an evel glare. If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure he would already be five feet under.

"Um, guys. Have any of you seen Alice?" Jhonny asked. Oh did I mention that he and Alice started dating? Yep. He asked her out the night of our bowling outing.

"Sorry no. I haven't." We all answered together. That kind of freaked me out. Oh well. What can I say? We are really good friends.

Just then. As if right on que. Alice walks into the cafeteria with a huge smile on her face. But she wasn't alone. She had a little skip in her walk, and glancing over at Jhonny, I could see him staring at her.

"Hey guys!" She chirped happily. "I want to introduce you to somebody." She said stepping away to reveal a boy looking at about our age. Well of cource he is our age, Peter.

He had shocking blue eyes and dark black hair. His arms were tattoed all the way up to his neck and he had a nose and lip ring. He had a visible jaw line and had a faint smile visible on his lips. I stared at him in horror just like the rest of the group. He was full blown emo.

"His name is Alex. He also just moved to Chicago from Canada. We were friends in our old school." She said with her smile growing.

"Hi." He said, waiving his hand shyly at us. Kevin was the first to stand up and shake his hand.

"Hi. I'm Kevin. That us Peter, Kelly and Jhonny." He said pointing to us. "I just need to tell you that Jhonny is her boyfrien..."

"No it's fine. She already told me. And I totally respect that." Alex said.

"Well, take a seat." Kevin said to him as they both sat down. I actually liked the guy. He seemed nice. Just... his apperance freaked me out a little. Well you know what they say, don't juge a book by its cover right? Right?

Alice quikly went to Jhonny and gave him a peck on the lips before she looked at me with a puzzeled expression.

"Oh, why the long face, Peter?" She asked.

"Why does every one ceep asking me that?" I sighed. That was really starting to get on my nerves. Like in seriously? Can't a guy have a terreble day in peace?

Before Alice could reply to that, Kelly jumped in and saved my ass.

"He is having a 'forget everything day' today." She said. Wait what?

"Oh." Alice said smiling at me. "Don't worry Peter. We all have thise days."

Roling my eyes a went back to checking Alex out. Something felt different about him. But a gooddifferent of cource.

"Peter, don't stare. It's rude." Kelly said beside me, slapping my arm slightly.

"No don't worry. It's okey. People intend to do that alot, since, you know, all of my tattoes and things. But I'm used to it." He said in a very chilled voice.

I actually felt sorry for him. I would hate it if everyone looked at me like that. Determined to change the subject I quikly ask him another question. "So, why did you move all the way to Chicago?"

"My dad's company moved, so we had to move aswell." He said matter of factly.

"Guys!" Alice squeeled beside Jhonny, making us al look at her a little surprised. "I just had the best idea!"

Well here we ho again.

"We should all hang out! Friday at my house, around six?" She asked, well more like demanded. But I didn't mind.

We all grumbled a 'sure' or a 'great I'll be there' before Alice sat back down talking to Jhonny about heck knows what. I must say they were a very cute couple.

"So." Alice said again. Making us all once again look up at her. "It's setteled then. I'll see you all friday at my house."


Hope you guys like it so far.

So? What do you guys think about Alex so far? Do you like him or not? The picture at the top of the chapter is Alex, played by the one and only Andy Biersack.

Tell me what you guys think. And please remamber to vote and comment!!


Whit HUGE smiles,



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