Chapter 34

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Secret POV

Well yesterday was a total screwup. I told Gale just to make Peter sespicious, but then he made Peter mad, not sespicious.

And not just that, now I have to meet up with the other two girls of the group and they are both ferious about everything that happened. I stop my car outside of her house and slip out of it. No one should see me with them, so I need to walk as fast as I can to her room.

I have a spare key for her house, so I just need to go into her house and go up to her room. I walk up to the front door and open it. Their house us mutch more fancy than mine, but I don't really care at the moment.

As I walk up the stairs, My heart begins to beat faster. I really hate it when she's mad because that is the time when she yells and throws things at you, and I don't know about you, but I really don't want something to land on my face.

The walk to her room feels like an hour. Every second turned into minutes and every minutes turned into hours. I take the palm of my hand and rub the sweat off of my forehead.

Why am I so nervous? I ask myself. It's not like it's the first time that she's mad at me. Okay, let's be honest. She's not mad at me,she is ferious with me.

I stand outside of her room and nock.

"Come in." A grumpy voice yells from the other side of the closed door.

I open the door very, very slowly. As I walk into the room I see the two usual girls of the group, but there is a man there to. He looks very familliar, but I cannot place it where I saw him before.

"Well, Yesterday was a disater. Why the f*ck would you do that?" The girl yells at me. I look at her with wide eyes.

"Well, I had a plan, but Gale ruined it." I say.

"No shit shelock." The other girl says.

"Now, who the hell is that?" I ask and pint to the man leaning againt the wall, his arms are folded over his chest. He looks like he is in his fortees, with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He has an evil looking smile on his face that sends shivers down my spine.

"Oh, that?" She says. "He is just a friend, who will help us with our master plan."

"Okay, but who the f*ck is he?" I say. I can feel the anger rise inside of me.

"Doesn't he make a little bell ring in your head?" She says, her voice sounding very irretated. "Does he not look familliar in any way to you?" She asks.

"Well, he does look familliar, but I just can't place it." I rub my chin as I give the man a closer look.

The other girl sighs and stomps up to me. "He's Peter's father you numnut!" She yells at me. Then something in my brain goes off. That is why he lookes so fammiliar. He has the same face form, eyes and hair colour as Peter.

The man in the corner chuckles and rolls his eyes. "No need to flatter me."

"Why are you here?" I ask and fold my arms over my chest.

"Well, do you think that you guys are the only ones who were hurt by Peter? No. You are not." He says.

"Okay, so what now?" I ask.

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