chapter 7

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Pic of Jhonny above... X-)

Kelly's POV.

I was getting ready for our little outing tonight when the shouting started. My Dad and Stepmom always fought. Sometimes it would last a short while, while others lasted a few days, sometimes a week.

I sight frustrated and sat on my bed. I was growing close to my three stepbrothers but our parents were just growing apart. Yes. I have three stepbrothers. Kevin, Dyllen (who is eight) and Kile (who is five).

I pressed my hands tight agenst my ears as the shouting grew louder. A tear roled down my cheek. I really hate it when this hapenes. There was a faint nock on the door and I quikly wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"Come in." I said softly and the door cracked open. Three heads peecked in." Hey." I said.

"Kelly!" Kile shreeked and ran to me. He threw his arms around me and gave me a tight hug. I laughed slightly at his behaviour but he was just so cute.

"Hey" Kevin said. Next to him was Dyllen. His blonde hair was stuck to his face and his bue eyes looked sad. "We were wondering if we could mabey come sit here for a while. Because, well, you know..." he said pointing his thumb in the doors direction where the shouting came from.

"Shure." I nodded and he closed the door. Kevin sat next to me on the bed and kile was on my lap. Usually when our parents fought with eachother we all go and sit in Kevins' or my room.

"Why don't you two play playstation?" I asked Dallyn and Kile. I had a games console and a TV in my room so I can play or watch tellevision when I am bored.

"Can we?" Kile asked very excited, jumping up and down in my lap. He is just so adoreable when he is happy.

"Yeah, go on." I say and they both run over to the bean bags and put in rachit and clank all for one in the console. I gigled at how cute they both were.

"So, are you ready to go?" Kevin asks me.

"Yeah. I just need to brush my teeth." I say hurrying to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I came out just to find Kevin lyng on my bed and the other two playing games. I smiled at the scene. My smile faded as soon as I heard my parents yell again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Calm down.

I walked over to Kevin and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I am ready to go." I said as he opened his eyes. He sat upright and got of my bed.

"Lets go then." He said. "Kile, Dyllen. We are going now okey. Stay here untill we are back."

"Why?" Kile asked.

"Because, the games won't play by themselves, will they?" I asked smiling at them. They nodded and went back to the game. The real reson they should stay in here is because we don't want them to see or hear our parents fighting.

We walked out and closed the door. I followed Keven down the stairs. "Dad, we are leaving!" I shouted.

"Okey sweetie. Enjoy yourselves." He said back and went back to fighting with my stepmom. We walked out of the house to Kevins car. We got in and started driving.


After a few minutes of driving, we finally arrived at the shopping centre where the ice rink was. I can't skate, yet. But I was excited.

We got out of the car and walked into the mall. Suddenly I needed to use the bathroom.

"Kevin, go on, I quikly need to use the bathroom." I said to him. He stoped and nodded. I quikly rushed to the bathroom and did what I had to. I quikly washed my hands and fixed my hair while I was at the mirror.

I speedwalked out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, I was not looking where I was going and bumped into a guy and spilled his drink all over him.

"Shit!" He said. I was so starteled and did not know what to say.

"I am so verry sorry!" I said. I was so ashamed and felt like an idiot. "Am am so stupid."

"Hey, hey. Its okey. Its just a drink." He said asif it was no problem at all smiling at me. He had light bue eyes and brown hair.

"But I spilled it all over you!" I said. "I will buy you another one." Was I really considering buying this guy a new one?

"No. Its fine. The shirt will come clean in one wash and I was not that thursty annyway." He said casually.

"But-" I started but he cut me off.

"Its fine." He said." I am Jhonny." He said putting out his hand.

"Kelly." I took his hand and shook it.

"Hey, you are that new girl at the school aren't you?" He asked me. Was he in the same school as me?

"Um... yes. Why?" I asked.

"Oh, everybody knows about you since you and Peter kissed on the field yesterday." He said to me. I was actually shocked that news had travelld that fast. Was it because I was new, or because Peters brother is the most popular guy in the school?

"That is still not the answer to my question." I said smiling at him. He looked a little confused but then the swich cliked somewhere inside.

"Oh." He said laughing a little. "I just asked because I wanted to know." He said. I laughed a little at his comment but the felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I took it out and read a message from Peter :"hey. Where are you? Why are you 5 mins late? Are you alright?"

"Shit." I said. I looked up and found Jhonny looking at me. "Sorry, but I need to go. It was nice meeting you."

"Sure. Enjoy... um... whatever you are going to do. See you around." He said as he walked past me. I took a deep breath and quikly hurried over to the ice rink.

I stoped in front of the doors, took a deep breath to calm myself and walked inside...


So? What do you guys think?
Any favourate parts?

Oh and guys do please me a faviour and check out these books:
BookButterfly2001 The End: wherewolf
eduan231202 alone together: romance
Tristan2018 golden teardrop: fantacy
Please guys, it is really good books. And guys I am also writing another book. Its name is "facing the world" go check it out if you like a little adventure and action.



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