Chapter 38

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This amazing cover was made by Incomplete_lover. Thank you so mutch!!! Guys she makes amazing covers! Go check out her cover making book!! Enjoy the chapter!☺☺🙂


This week was soooo tyring! Everything just made me so tyred and now that it is friday, I can finally celeblrate. I sigh and plomp onto my bed.

A wave of pleasure washes over me as I lift my feet from the ground. I lay there and just stare at the white cieling for a few minutes. I sit back up and my eyes fall over the bookshelf on my wall.

I usually read a lot, but nowadays, I really don't have the time to read.

I climb off of my bed and walk over to the bookshelf. I started reading right after my sister died... well more like after my dad left us. I loved reading the instant I sterted to read, but lately I didn't really feel like reading.

I walk down the bookshelf, my fingers trailing along the books. I stop at the newest book. The Hunger Games.

Kelly gave me this book as a present a few weeks ago. She knew I loved reading and she loves The Hunger Games. Plus she read all three books.

I lake out the book and open it up. Right in the front of the book is Kelly's neat, handwritten message. It read:

"Hay!! Get it? hAy?
Anyways... I got you this book..
I know that you love reading,
And this is my favourite book...
Please read it.
I really, REALLY hope you like it.
Love, The one and only,
Kelly. ♡♡♡

I smile when I finish reading the message. I go sot back down on my bed and open the book on the first page.

Part one
The tributes.

Well, here goes nothing...


I have been reading for about an hour. I now remember why I used to love reading so mutch.

Reading can take you to another world. You just have to use your imagenation, that''s all. As my eyes fly over the pages, I take in every detail. Everything that Katniss does, how she feels. I actually think that the books are better than the movie. Don't get me wrong, the films are amazing, but the books just gives you this extra information, that you don't get in the films.

I look up from my page and stare out of my window. Dark clouds has covered the sky. It's really funny though... this morning was an example of a perfect day, but now it looks tike the clouds drank to mutch water and needs to use the restroom... a BIG restroom.

The wind is howling around the corners of my house, making it hard for me to concetrate, so I place the book on my bedside table.

The doorbell rings just as my phone buzzes. I check my phone to see that the text is from Kelly, so she must be here. I walk down to the front door and reach it just as it starts to rain.

I open the door and almost get blown over by the wind. Never, and I mean NEVER underestemate the power of nature.

Kelly, however is stuggleing to ceep her dress down and to ceep her hair out of her face at the same time. I step out of the doorway so that she can enter, and shut the door as soon as she is inside.

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