chapter 14

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Thank you BookButterfly2001 for the AMAZING banner!!

Alice's POV

I must say, I was really glad to move back, but the moment I found out Peter had a girlfriend, I was devestated.

I really liked Peter, and I always have. I actually memorised a wole speech about how I am going to tell Peter that I like him. But that plan went down te drain as soon as Kelly decided to kiss Peter last week.

I am happy for her, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I just wish that it was me he was kissing and not her.

"Alice, you need to finish your breakfast or you will be late." My mother said to me ripping me from my thoughts. I nodded finishing my toast and orange juice.

"Bye mom!" I yelled before going through the front oor to the car standing outside ready to pick me up. I slipped into the car and we drove off to that prision they call school...


Peter's POV

Monday morning was chaos. We had to get Emily to school and Kelly needed to borrow an extra pair of clothes from Emily.

But the worst part came when all the milk was finished and we needed to make toast for breakfast and believe me, that took a lot longer than just plain old cerial.

Also, Paul, Emily and Ben will be leaving today so they had to pack their bags. I was actually a little sad because now the house will be quiet and lonely again. Some part of me was actually happy about the whole step dad and siblings thing, but the other part was still a little disapointed. I allways atually hoped that one day, my real father will return home, but obviously that will never happen.

"Okey!" I yelled getting a little frustrated. "Everybody who will be driving with me, get in the car!"

"But my bag-" Emily started.

"Sweetheart, we will finish packing it for you but right now you need to get to school." Paul said.

I was relieved when everybody, well except Barry since he har his own motercicle, was FINALLY in the car. We drove in scilence. And the five minute drive felt like an hour.

When we pulled up at tne school Emily sliped out as quik as she can and huuried over to her friends.

But the worst was still to come. In three, two, one...

"Kelly!" Kevin yelled the moment we stepped into school. "Where the hell were you!" Kelly gripped my arm. I smiled softly at her.

"I was at Peters." She mumbled softly.

"Why?" He asked. I could see that he was tyred. Poor guy probably got no sleep the whole weekend.

"I think you know why." She said looking down at her shoes.

"Listen, I'll give you two some alone time." I said. Kelly nodded and I went to my locker.

"Peter!" Someone yelled behind me.

"Hey Alice." I said as she came crashing into me. "Well somebody is happy to see me." I joked. She pulled back her arms and roled her eyes. Blushing slightly.

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