chapter 26

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Flashback... Peter's POV.

It's been two weeks since Gabby, my little sister died.

Our house was qiet and a very sad vine hanged over the house. Nobody talked to anybody, and it made me sad. I really need someone to talk to right now.

I sat on my bed and cried almst every day. My mother and father did the same. I don't really know about Barry, but he didn't eat nor come out of his room. I did nock on the door a few times in attempt to talk to him, but that always just resulted in him chasing me away and more crying.

My parents grew distant and we had to look after ourselves all on our own. I tried, but it was just to hard.

I'm now currantly on my bed looking out of my window.

My eyes are all dryed up, and no more tears could even come out, no matter how sad or depressed I am.

I looked at the rising sun, turning the sky orange.

This is the only thing that seems to relax me a bit, but it only lasts for a few minutes. My stomach rumbled, but I had no appitite whatsoever. I occasonally ate something, but that ended in me running for the bathroom to throw up.

I sighed and watched the sun rise. The orange sky, now turned the usual morning blue.

I sat there for a few more minutes, just doing nothing. It is Saturday today, so I don't have to go to school.

I walked out of my bedroom and nocked on Barry's room. A fter a few seconds, a very tyred Barry opened the door.

His golden brown hair was a mess, and He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked at me with a blank expression. No emotion whatsoever, and that made me sad. We used to be so close, but after she died, we grew apart.

It was just two weeks. I thought, hoping that things would get better between us one day. I knew, that sulking about your sister's death wasn't going to bring you anywhere, so we have to stop sulking and begin our path to healing.

Some people actually thought that I am very intellegent for a nine year old.

"What is it, Peter?" Barry grumbled in an irritated tone. He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed.

"Well, I... I.." I started, but he inturupted me.

"You what? Need a shoulder to cry on?" He was really getting on my nerves right now.

"No!" I protested. He smirked at me and roled his eyes.

"Then what?" He sighed and leaned against the door frame. He folded his arms over his chest. He was a little stronger than me, but that never bothered me.

"Well, no one would talk to me. Everyone is just ignoring me and it makes me sad." I said looking at my feet. "I was hoping that you would talk to me."

I looked up with a hopefull expression, but all that hope went down the drain as soon as I saw Barry's face. He laughed, but there wasn't anything humorous about the laugh.

"No." He said flatly and slamed the door shut in my face. I stumbled back and fell on my butt.

Tears, I thought I didn't have anymore burned my eyes. He just left me aswell. Just like mommy and daddy.

I walked down the stairs and stoped dead in my tracks as soon as I heard a person sobbing.

I followed the sound to the dining room, where my mother sat crying. Her face was in her hands and her hair looked like a rats nest.

In front of her, on the table, was a piece of paper.

"Mom?" I asked, my voice full of concern. "Mommy, what's wrong?"

She looked up at me with her red eyes. Dark bue circles formed under her eyes, witch indecated that she didn't sleep well, or in her case, at all.

"He left." She said. Her voice cracked and more tears fell down her face.

"Who left, mom?" I asked. I had a feeling that what she was going to tell me, isn't going to be nice to hear.

She slided the piece of paper to me so that it was right in front of me.

I looked down to see a few words scribbled on the paper.

I had to leave.
Everything that happened is just too mutch for me to handle.
I hope you understand.
I'm sorry.

I picked up the piece of paper and crumbled it in my small hands. He left. My own dad left because he couldn't handle everything that hapened. What about us, and how we need to handle everything?

Tears were burning my eyes, but I refused to cry. I hate crying and I will not cry over a pathetick human being.

And that pathetick human being, is my dad.

I stormed to my room and locked myself in there. Screw this. And screw you, dad.

End of flashback...

Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter, but I just thought it would be interesting to see what happened to them in tha past...

I hope you enjoyed it!

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Stay awesome!

With HUGE smiles,


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