Chapter 41

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Kelly's POV

I literally ran away from the party. Away from my broken heart. Away from Peter. The rain is causing my clothes to stick to my body, but I do not give a shut at the moment. I thought he loved me... a soft voice wispered in my head.

More tears started to spill out of my eyes. I am heartbroken. Depressed. Broken. I ran untill my legs buckled beneath me, and I fell to my knes on the sidewalk.

I screamed a loud agonising scream. Not a scream of fear, nor pain. But a scream of anger, confusion, dissapointment, and most of all, a a scream of a broken heart. To see him kiss Nikky... that was the worst part.

He didn't even consider to hide his affair with her. He just did it, even when he knew that I am there.

I should have listened to them... but no. I was blinded by love. How stupid of me. I should have seen the sighns... was there even sighns? Did he actually cheat on you, or did she force herself onto him?

I push those thoughts out of my head. That doesn't matter anymore. What really matters is the fact that we are no longer together.

And then the thunder started. Oh great. Just great. Yah, what an amazing idea! Run off in the rain, when there is a huge possibillaty of thunder, with no protection what so ever! Very smart kelly!

I scream again. But this time out of fear. I really hate lightning...

A hand rests on my shoulder. My hearts starts to race. I am actually hoping to see Peter standing in front of me. But instead, I see Alex standing there.

"Kelly, what happened?" He asks as he placed his jacket over my shoulders. That was the moment I realised how cold I am. I looked into his electric blue eyes.

"Weren't you at the party?" I ask, trying to change the topic.

"I was, but came after you when you ran off. Peter disapeared into his room, when I asked him what's wrong her shrugged me off, but you ran off like something terrebly happened. So what happened?" He explained. Wow. He actually cared. That almost made me smile. Almost. But the thing that held my smile back is the fact that it isn't Peter standing here with me.

Well, you did just dump him...

Tears swell in my eyes again, but I blink them out. "Peter and I broke up." I said. My voice quivered. And then I lost it. My eyes's floodgates opened, and I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

"Oh..." was all he said before the lightning atrikes again. I whimpered. He noticed and helped me stand up. I hugged him tightly as soon as I was standing on my own feet. I know he isn't Peter, but this us better than no one at all.

A car pulled up next to us. The window rolled down to reviel Kevin sitting there. He had a very concerned look on his face. I climbed in after I said goodbye to Alex. Turns out that his house is only around the corner, and about four houses down the road.

"C'mon. Let's get you home." Kevin said and started to drive to our house.


Peter's POV

I's been a week. One horreble week of total hell. Since we broke up, people started to bully both of us. By bully I mean throwing us weth their slushies or soving us against lockers.

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