chapter 20

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The past last two weeks has been very buisy.

Kelly was discharged of the hospital and needs to wear a sling to ceep her from using her arm. My mother's wedding was in a week, next week saturday, and right now I am in a tux shop with Barry, Ben and Paul.

Paul quikly handed us all Identical tuxcedos to go fit. This would now be the fith suit I will be fitting. Paul already found his suit, this is just for the rest of us.

I walked to the dressing rooms with Brn by my side. We didn't talk much. Especially me and Barry. In fact, we didn't talk to eachother since the Kelly incedent, witch was two weeks ago.

"I really hate this." Ben grumbled beside me.

"Tell me about it." I said while I roled my eyes. Ben wasn't that bad, as I was the one that talked to him. Barry didn't talk to him or Emily at all. The most he did was to perv at Emily, but otherwise he was in his room, not talking to anybody.

"No, what I meant is this whole marrage thing." He stated, making me look at him with wide eyes. Suddenly, I am curious to find out why he doesn't like all of this.

"Why? Don't you like my family or what?" I asked.

"No. You and your mother are two of the most amazing people I met. I don't really like Barry though, since he is always checking my sister out. But I don't like it, because I feel like I am betraying my mother, you know?" He said.

I, for one, actually know how he feels. I feel like we are betraying my father. I shouldn't even think that, as he was the one who left us, not the other way around. I guess I just always hoped that he would mabey, just mabey, return to us. But I know that that will not happen in my lifetime.

"I know exactly how you feel, Ben." I said not making eye contact.

"Do you?" He asked rising his eyebrows.

"Just go fit the stupit tux and let's nit talk about this okey?" I said in a stern voice. I probably shouldn't talk to him like that, but my past is a touchy subject, witch I do not enjoy to talk about.

"Okey." He said raising his hands in surrender and walking into the nearest fitting room.

I went into the one right next to Ben's and closed the curtain. I hanged the tux on the railing and looked at it. It was a simple cream button up shirt, with a black blazer and black pants. The only thing that stood out was the blood red tie. This was by far my favourate one so far.

I slipped into the suit. It fitted me perfectly. I looked into the mirror at my reflection. I looked like a totally different person. But the good kind. I looked happier. Well I feel happier.

After lookng into the mirror for a few seconds, Paul called us out of the dressing rooms so he can have a looke.

All three of us walked out on the same time and came face to face with a Paul with a proud expression on his face.

"Well, I think we found the right suits." He said. I sighed in relief. My feet was hurting like hell and to say that I am just hungry, is a huge understatement. I swear, my stomach was growling so loud that the people from Europe could hear me!

"We'll take those suits, Alfanso." Paul said. Alfanso is the owner of the shop we are curantly in. He is looks like he is in his late fifties with grey hear and muddy brown eyes. I think he is Italien, but I'm actually not shure...

"Sure thing." He said and signaled us to go undress.

After Paul payed, he took us to the local Starbucks. I really like starbucks, but a nice Macdonnaleds burger sounds really apealing right now.

"So. What do you lads want?" He asked.

"I'll have the frosted latte." Barry answered without blinking an eye.

"Make it two of those." Ben immedeately added after Barry. I was the only sucker who actually looks on the menu, and decide what I want to get. I usually try to taste everything before I get a favourite. But come on! Its Starbucks we're talking about.

"And you, Peter?" He asked, making everyone look at me.

"Ummm... I'll have... the frosted fanilla coffee." I said, Finally deciding what to get.


I must say, to get a frosted coffee, was probably not the best idea. Since it was already freezing outside, and that Paul decided to go take a walk near the lake... yeah. I should have sticked with my usual hot chockolate.

"Please mind to inlight me on why we are walking at the lake again? Its freezing!" Ben asked no one in perticular. I must say, I agree one hundered percent with him.

"Because, this is one of my favourite places in the city." Paul stated.

"And why is that, Paul?" Barry asked roling his eyes.

"Because this is the place where I priposed to your mother." He said without even the need to think about it.

"Well, then I hate this place." Barry said making us all turn to him. "I am going home." He said walking away to the nearest train station.


Hey, hey, hey! Hope all is well for Yall.

Hope you like it... I will try to update as soon as I can, now that I have time since the exams are over!😆😆

Oh and guys, there is going to be a new charackter entry in the next chapter!!!! I can't wait to write about that!

Remember to vote and comment!!


With HUGE smiles,


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