Chapter 29

51 11 2

Peter's POV

After a few minutes of driving, we fell silent in the car, leaving us in a comfortable sikence. Kelly looked out of the window at the passing by trees, houses and passing cars on the freeway.

Her long blonde hair was straightened and fell over her shoulders. I couldn't see her face because of her hair.

After another few minutes, Kelly reached over and turned on the sterio. The song that started to play is one of my absolute favourites, "Hynm for the weekend" by Coldplay. I started to hum with the song. I know all of the words.

I saw Kelly tapping her fingers and foot to the beat of the song. Well, who can blame her? The song is absolutely amazing.

I took a left turn and climbed off of the freeway, driving into the city. I took a few turns to the place where I want to be.

Kelly saw where we are going and looked at me with a happy expression.

"Are we going to the lake?" She asked with a huge smile. I quikly glanced at her and smiled.

"We sure are." I looked back at the road and turned left. We are now driving parralal with the lake. Kelly gazed out of the window in awe, her eyes scanning over everything on the lake. Her smile crept back onto her lips.

"What are we going to do here, I mean, isn't it to cold to go swimming? And besides, I don't have my swimming clothes packed in." I laughed at her reaction.

"Are you crazy?" I laughed even harder. Her head snapped in my direction. "It's way to cold for swimming, and what we are doing is a surprise." She frowned and leaned closer to me, studying my every movement with those perfect blue eyes of her.

"You know I hate surprises." She said. I quikly looked at her with a surprised expression.

"Actually... This is the first time I hear about this, Kels." I say in a low and soft voice. I can see her blush and throw her hair in front of her face in the corner of my eye. I smile and shake my head.

I pull the car off of the road in front of the lake. I step out of the car and walk over to Kelly's side to open the door for her. I offer her my hand and she acepts it gladly. She smiled as her fingers laced through mine and walked next to me.

I lead her to the docks, and walked untill we reached a boat. Kelly was practickly jumping up and down next to me, squeeling like a five year old.

"I always wanted to go on one of these!" She chirped.

"That is exactly the reason why I brought you here, sweetheart." I say matter of factly, smirking at her. She turned to look at me and smiled widely. She stepped closer and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you." She says, blushing slightly. "Thank you very mutch."

The captain of the small boat stepped forward and bowed slightly. "Good afternoon. I'll be your captain or boat driver, whatever you prefer to call me. Please, step on and take a life jacket."

The man has a pale skin, and light gray hair. His brown eyes looked full of life and had a hint of excitement...

"After you, Kels." I say, geustering for her to climb onto the boat. The mouthed a small 'thank you' and stepped onto the boat. It wiggled a little and she had to bend down to stop it from falling over. I stepped on next and grabbed a life jacket. I clipped it in and helped Kelly with hers.

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