Chapter 42

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~would you call
In the name of love?

Kelly's POV.

I am still pissed and upset about Monday. I mean who the hell can be that cruel? Alice told me that the people behind it all was arrested right after I stormed out of the building.

I was surprised, but I just went with it. They told me that it also affected Barry and Peter. I don't want Peter to be sad, or messed up, or just get hurt. It hurts me to see him get hurt, even if we broke up.

Alice forced me into going out with them tonight. Just I wonder who is driving us, as not one of us has our own cars. I am currantly standing in front of my closet, deciding on what to wear. She said that I should wear something "sexy but classy". I roll my eyes at the memory.

As I search through my closet, my eyes falls on a light blue dress. The dress Peter got me on our date.

I took the dress out of my closet and looked at it. It brought back so many amazing memories. Tears started to burn my eyes. I blinked them away, not wanting to cry. I cannot cry. I won't cry. I just can't.

I placed the dress back into the closet, and picked out a black, long sleeved dress, that fitted me tightly. I took out my black stickings and boots and put them on. I braided my hair, wich is in need of a trim, into a french braid over my shoulder. I took out a gersy that fitted the dress aswell. It was still very cold outside. I hate the cold. Like seriously, why does it exist?

I throw on some makeup, and spray on my favourite perfume, wich iroicly, was also given to me by Peter. I sigh and walk downstairs. My mother gasps when she sees me. "Wow." She says and hugs me.

"I'm going to do now." I say and pullaway from her. She nods and smiles. I walk out if the front door, allready freezing. A car pulls up into my driveway. The window rolls down and I spot Alice.

I smile and walk over to them. I climb into the car and sigh with relief as the heater is on.

"Wow, girl." Alice wissles. "You look smoking!" I roll my eyes. Her hair is gurled as usual, and left loose to fall over her shoulder. She is wearing a red dress with back heels.

Emily just lloks as casual as allways. Just, her hair is pulled into a tight ponytail. I never really thought of her as a ponytail person.

"Well girls! Let's get this party started!" Alice cheered and started to drive. We are heading into the city, so I guess it would be a while of driving.

I stare out of the window at the passing houses, trees and other cars. The sun is already below the horizon and the stars are burning bright. I turn to look at Emily and Alice when we hit the highway. I see them whispering something. I frown and lean in.

"What do you think will happen?" Emily whisperes. Alice shrugs.

"I don't know." She says. What are they talking about? "Let's just hope for the best and that she, you know, listens to what he has to say."

Huh? What on earth is soooooo private? That is when I decide to chip in, before Emily could even reply to Alice's words. "What are you two talking about?"

I see Alice jump and Emily snap her head over into my direction.

"Oh, nothing important." Alice says. "Don't worry about it."

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