chapter 11

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Kelly's POV

I jumped from my bed the moment I heard the glass shatter. I was home alone, but my dad must have come home. Drunk. As usual on a Saturday morning.

There was another sound of glass shatering. My heart was beating im my chest. Our stepmom always told us to stay away from our drunk father, but usually she is there to calm him down. But right now, I am here. Alone. And my brothers and stepmother won't be home for another two hours.

I had to see what was going on. I had to help my father.

I slipped off of my bed and sneaked out of my room. I was so afraid. My father can be very aggressive when he is drunk, sometimes so aggressive that we have to lock ourselves in our rooms for the rest of the day.

I jumped at another crash of a glass. I tiptoed into the kitchen and saw my fatrher throwing everything he can get his hands on.

"Dad! Stop!" I cried. I really wanted him to stop. He was scaring me.

"Oh, look who decided to join the party!" He started turning to me. His eyes were bloodshed and he had cuts all over his hands. "My stupid daugter who tinks she is better than everyone! Well you know what? Nobody likes you!"

I flinched at his words. He doesn't mean it. He's drunk.

He picked up another glass but I took it from him. It took all the courage inside of me to move. "Dad you have to stop all this!" I yelled.

"Give that back!" He said through gritted teeth.

"No." I stated. I was so afraid of him right now.

My dad let out a laugh. But there was nothing humorous about it. He snached my hair and pulled me down so I fell on the floor. I yelped when my hands had hit the broken glass. I could feel it cutting deep into my hands.

"You stupid girl." He said. He had an evil smile on his face. Right now he was towering over me. He lifted his hand and I could feel the sting of him slapping me. Then he grabbed my palms and pulled me up.

He swinged me over to the wall and threw me against it. My head was trobbing from the hit to the wall. My dad stepped closer to me and pressed me against the wall. His nails was digging into my palms and tears were running down my cheeks.

How could a father do this to his own daughter?

Just as he was about to slap me, I kneed him in the stomach. He let go of me and bended forward. "Bitch." He mumbled in pain.

I bolted for the stairs. Taking two at a time and ran to my room. I locked my door and grabed my phone. I jumped into my closet and hid myself amongst my clothes.

I took out my phone and dialed Peter's number. After a few rings he anwered.

"Hey, why are you calling so early in the morning?" He asked.

"First of all it twelve o'clock, and second of all... I need help. Please come now!" I answered. But just before he could answer, I hang up. Now I just need to wait for him to show up... I hope he comes quikly because I really don't want my father to hurt me anymore.

A few minutes passed. Mabey five or six, when I heard my father again."Oh, Kelly. You can't stay in your room forever." My father yelled as he threw himself against the door. I know the door won't last long if he does that. Please, Peter. Where are you?

Another bang againt the door. My heart was banging against my chest. I forced myself to breathe slower. Tears were steaming down my cheeks. I bit back a sob and took a deep breath.

There was a few seconds before my father threw himself against the door again. But this time the door gave way. The door had hit my wall with a loud bang. I stood as still as I can. Hoping my dad won't find me. PEASE DON'T FIND ME! I mentally yelled.

But of cource, life just hears 'here I am! In the closet!' The door flew open. My dad stood there with a develish smile.

"There you are. Time to finish our buisness." He said.

"Please. Dad don't." I said in a shaky voice. My dad grabbed my wrist and threw me ou of my closet. I landed on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw my father towering over me.

He grabbed my arms and I yelled as loud as I could. Hoping somone will hear me.

"No one will be able to help you. You stupid pathetick girl!" My dad yelled at me.

He pushed me against the wall and slapped me. "HELP! SOMBODY HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I can.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! NO ONE WILL HELP YOU!" He yelled at me. Then he started to pull down the zip on my jeans. He unclipped his belt and started to undo his trousers. This can't be happening! My dad woun't rape me!

But this wasn't my dad. He was a drunk man.

"Dad. NO!" I yelled but he just cept on doing what he was doing. Just before he could pull off my jeans, somone stormed into my room.

"Hey!" He yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" He jumped at my dad. Pulling him off of me and punching him that he fell to the floor.

He walked to me and help me pull my pants up.

"Peter." I croaked.

My dad strugled to his feet just as Peter helped me out of my room. "Fine! Leave! Just like your mother! Just like Rosy left you! That was all your fault! And don't come back crying, ever!" He yelled.

A sob escaped my throat. How could he say that? He just won't. But he did.

Peter took me out of my house and helped me into the car. I just sat there. Shocked. I felt sick. Sad. Mad. Disapointed.

Peter started the car and drove to his house. He must have noticed that my father just broke me in all the ways a person can break another person.

"Hey." He took my hand and smiled at me softly. "I want you to know that I am here for you. If you want to talk or anything. I will be here for you."

I nodded and looked out of the window. A tear roled down my cheek. What was I going to do now?

So? What do you guys think?
Looks like Kelly's problems are worse than Peter's huh?
Well tell me what you think. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been voting! I really epreceate it!😉😉



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