Chapter 35

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"Guys!" Jhonny yells as he sees us, and jogs over to us. We all look at him with big eyes, just waiting for him to say something. "Well, I am throwing a party tonight. Do y'all want to come?"

"Um..." Kelly and I say at the same time. I look at her and then her head turns to look at me. Our eyes meet. She is mouthing something but I cannot make out what she is saying.

'What?' I mouth back. She rols her eyes. Then she leans in and wisperes something into my ears.

"What about our plans?" She wisperes in my ear, her breath tickeling my neck. This time it is my turn to lean in.

"Whe can do that after the party." I wisper back. I pulled back to see her looking like she is about to protest, but I put on my best pleading expression. She sighed in defeat and looked at me with a straight face.

"Fine." She breathed out and roled her eyes. I know that she doesn't like parties, but this will actually be my firts high school party and I am excited.

"Jhonny." I say, turning to the boy who has been studying us closely. "We will go to your party."

He smiles. "Thank you guys so mutch." He says and walks of looking very pleased with himself. I turned to Kelly to see her glaring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You know that I don't like parties, yet you want to go with me." She folds her arms over her chest, an irritated expression very clear on her face. She stood there tapping her left foot, looking as gorgious as ever.

"Look." I say, placing my hands gently on her shoulders. "I've never been to a party and would like to go to one." I say in a soft voice.

"Beloeve me, Peter. You're not missing out on anything." She says. I wanted to reply but then something caught my eye. A blonde haired boy is watching us very closely. I know he is on the football team with Barry, and is one of Barry's best friends. Tony Collins. The guy who siposedly has a crush on Kelly.

I glare at him as our eyes lock.

"Peter?" Kelly asks making me look at her. She turned around to see what I was looking at, but looked back at me with a confused expression. "What were you looking at?"

I looked to see if Tony was still looking at us, but where he once stood was no one. I blinked a few times. I think my head is messing with me.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." I say. Kelly raised her eyebrows. I know that she is having a hard time to believe me.

"Are you sure? You stared at it for about thirty seconds." She says.

"Yah. I'm sure." I say faking a smile. I don't know why but something about Tony staring at us like that makes me feel uncomfortable.

"If you say so." Kelly Says in an unsure voice. Her eyes looks away from me and her eyes focuses on a spot behind me. A small smile tugs at the end of her lips. I turn around to see what she is looking at. And I must say, that sight can put a smile on anybodies face.

Alice and Alex walking next to eachother, laughing and looking like a happy couple. But then it hits me. Alice is dating Jhonny and Alex has this huge crush on Alice. And I must say, I like Alex and Alice more. They are so comfortable with eachother and is very good friends. Alice and Jhonny never look like that.

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