chapter 13

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Kevin's POV

The house was dead quit when we got home. No lights were on and I had a felling that something was wrong. I walked to the kitchen to put down our bags, but I regret the moment I decided to turn the light on.

I stared in horor at the floor. It was covered in glass. Everywere you looked. But what bothered me the most, was the dry blood in the middle of the kitchen.

"What are yo-" My mother stoped dead in her sentence when she saw all the glass. "What hapened?" She asked in horror.

Suddenly my heartbeat started to rise. And then stress took over. Where is Kelly and why didn't she come running down the stairs to say hello like she allways does?

"KELLY!" I yelled. Desperately needing an answer. My mom looked at me with wide eyes when she regestered why I was calling Kelly. No answer. "KELLY!" I yelled again. Still dead quiet.

I ran to the stairs and saw blood against the walls. Now I was really getting worried. I ran to her room and saw that the door was forced open. There were more blood marks on the floor and walls.

"MOM!"I yelled. My mother needed to see this. Now.

"Did you find her?" She asked. I could hear the desperate tone in her voice. "Oh my." She said when she saw all the blood.

"I'll call her." I said taking out my phone, dialing her number. After one ring, her phone's ringtone went off in the closet. I went over there and picked it up, to see my name flashing on the screen.

"Oh, if you are looking for Kelly, she's not here." A deep voice said from behind me.
My stepfather.

"What did you do to her? Tell me!" I demanded. I needed to know if Kelly was fine.

"Well, she tried to stop me from throwing more glass on the ground, and that irretated me. So I took care of her. She did put up a fight tough." He said as if it was nothing.

How could he do that to his own daugter? Hurt his own child? "How could you?" I hear my mother ask furiously. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN CHILD!" She yelled.

"I told you, she irretated me, so I took care of her." I could feel my blood boiling. I was so mad at him for doing that to Kelly. I threw myself at my stepfather, and pushed him against the wall. "Funny thing, we were in exactly the same possition earlier today, just I was where you are right now."

His breath smelled like alcahol and he smelled like sweat. But that did not stop me from trying to find out where Kelly is.

"Where is she." I said trough gritted teeth. He just smiled at me. "WHERE IS SHE!" I yelled.

"I don't know. Some guy came in and iterrupted our special moment. I was so close to pull off her jeans, when he came in." Now I was really disgusted. He tried to rape my sister! But to make it worse, HIS OWN DAUGHTER!

"I need you to leave!" My mother said in disgust. "NOW!"

"Fine. I will. But just remember, Kelly is MY daughter, and I will be back to get her." He said getting loose from my grip. He got out a bag and stuffed anything that belonged to him into it. And without another word he left.

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