chapter 9

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I got home just after ten, and my mother started to yell at me, even before my own big toe was in the house. Barry stood at the doorway, leaning against it. He had a huge smirk on his face like he was enjoying the show. Man I really hate him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out!" My mother yelled at me. I just stared at her with no emotion. There was no way that I was going to answer that. "Are you going to answer me?"

I chuckled slightly. "No. Of course not." I said walking past her to the sairs. I ran up to my room taking two sairs at a time. I walked into my room and saw a bag on my bed.

Now I am confused. I took the bag and found a note taped to it. The note read. "Hey. Sorry about your glasses. So I went out and got you new ones. Barry. ;-) P.S. I still want to know how this 'kelly' is."


He just had to say that. I took the glasses out of the box and looked at it. It was dark brown with white stripes. Not my colour, but it will do. For now.

I striped down to my boxers and dot in bed. Quikly, my mind recaps of what hapened today. 1. Kevin apologising to Kelly.
2. Kelly asking me to go ice skate with them.
3. Having a long chat with Alice.
4. Teaching Kelly how to skate.

I smiled at that thought and went to bed. My pillow was calling me. I was so tyred. My eyes closed as I felt myself drifting away.


School was even worse than usual. People just started to bother me. Saying something like "looser" or "dumbass" when I walked past them. What the hell was going on?

But at least lunch wasn't so bad. Alice, Keven, Kelly and I sat at our usual table. I saw Jhonny looking over every once in a while making me suspisious.

"Hey little brother." I was literally going to claw his eyes out, then take the butter knife on the table and stab him a million times.

"What do you want, Barry?" I asked frustrated.

"Just wanted to see how my little brother was doing." He said smirking. "Soo.. you are the amazing Kelly." He said looking at Kelly.

She had a dusgusted look on her face. "What about me?" She asked angrely.

"Oh nothing. I just want to make shure you are right for my brother thats all." He said walking to her, puting his arm around her. She shifted uncomfortably and tryed to fend off his arm but he just tightned his grip.

"Get the hell away from her." I said with a clenched jaw. I was just so mad at him right now

"I just want to make sure she doesn't hurt you." He said winking at me. I could feel my blood rushing to my head.

"Bullshit." Alice said. "Run along to your friends Barry."

"Oh Alice!" He said. "I did not see you there. Welcome back by the way. But as you can see this is between me, and my brother."

"Shut up, Barry and f*** off!" I yelled.

"Oh, don't worry babe." He said to Kelly. "I am much better to you than he is. So dich him and come with me."

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