Chapter 39

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This amazing cover was made by Incomplete_lover!! Thank you so mutch!!


I. Hate. Mondays.

That is all I have to say. Thise three simple words that holds so mutch meaning. I. Hate. Mondays. Especially today.

You see, as soon as we walked into school, we noticed that something was different. Almost every child in this school was packed around one of the walls, looking at something pinned to it. Just a simple piece of paper. A simple letter, but the words almost made my heart stop.

The paper read:

Dear students!
We just want to inform you about something, well more like someone...
We have to killers in the school. A boy and a girl. The one killed his sister, and the other one killed her best friend. All because of their carelesness. Do not be fooled by their cute looks as they are a couple... be careful with who you trust...
Stay tuned for more letters...

I immedeately knew that they are talking about me and Kelly. Hopefully the rest of the school doesn't rielise who they are talking about.

The second reason why today is officially the worst day of my seniour year, is because people started to push me around again.

Well by people I mean the school slut and the school man whore. Those two would make a great couple! After all, they both bang people for a living.

"Peter!" Someone yells. The cafiteria ia full of people, so I don't know who is calling me. I'd rather wait till the person comes over to me than searching for the person myself.

The person comes over to me and places his arms on the table. I immedeately knows who it is.

"What do you want Barry?" I ask, a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Well, little brother, we have to make party plans. So I am taking you on a trip right after school." He says. Man he is really irretating.

"And you are doing this, why?" I look at him with my eyebrows raised. I really hope he gets the hint. I do not want to go with you, especially if you are implying that you should drive.

"So that we could get all our party supllies, duh." He rolls his eyes and studies my face. I glare at him. How I wish that I could speak telepathickly. "Oh and don't worry. You will be the one behind the steering wheel, I am just going to give you the directions."

He looks at me with a pleading facial expression. I roll my eyes and sigh in defeat.

"Fine." I whine. "I will go with you."

"Okay." He smiles, the smile that can light up a room, according to my grandma. I do not know what she sees in that smile. "I'll see you right after school... at your car." And then he leaves.

"See you after school..." I mumble softly and go back to eating lunch and talking to my friends.


Man, Barry can take his time. I have been standing outside of the school building for about tem minutes, watching him flirt with a girl. When he finally decides to come, I resist the urge to yell 'halluluja"!

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