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Wilmer's POV

I take a seat in the cafeteria entrance table, as I wait for Demi to come. I open my bag and put some books of the school on the table and I start to take a look to the math's book.

—Hi. —I hear suddenly—. I'm sorry for being late; there was a big traffic backup on the way. —Demi excuses herself while sitting down.

—Oh, don't worry —I tell her— I have just arrived a few minutes ago... Do you want to take something? -I offer her.

—Yes, a coffee, please.

I order for two coffees and I sat down again.

—Well, how was the presentation of the year to your students? —I ask.

—It was okay, I already knew them. I was their teacher last year too. It was great until they started to ask me about my summer and my love life... but it was my fault because I told them about it last year... —she complains— apart from that, it was okay... What about you?

—It was okay! They were nice to me! —I reply, enthusiastic— But I understand, they also asked me about my personal life! —I giggle, because children always do that.

—Yeah! How is your boyfriend? Are you guys going to marry? Does he kiss you? —Demi imitates the children's voices— You know, children and their curiosity to know about other people's love life.

I laugh at her comment and I take math's book back.

—Okay! Let's start! What are we going to teach in math lesson? —I ask Demi.

—What about just some easy addition and subtractions for them to start the year with them controlled? —She suggests.

—That's a great idea! You are right; we should do a little review of last school year in every subject... Do you agree?

—Yes, let's do that —Demi replies when her phone starts buzzing—. What the hell does he want now!? —She whispers.

She takes her phone out of her pocket and she hangs up, clearly angry.

—Okay, so, additions and substations in math. What about making some flash cards in reading lesson to enrich their lexical? —I suggest now, playing dumb to her ignoring her phone.

—Yeah, that sounds great! —she replies— And I have thought about writing some Haiku poems for writing lessons.

Demi's phone starts ringing again, but she doesn't even look at it now.

—Your phone is ringing —I tell her, pointing at it.

She rolls her eyes and she takes her phone.

—I'm not picking up again so be fast —she says right after she picks up.

I try not to listen, but I can't ignore it because she hasn't even stand up for me not to listen to her conversation.

—No, Cameron! You're not coming home anymore! —she yells—. You took all your fucking stuff already, so don't you dare!

I look around the café, ashamed of hearing her conversation. But, she's the one yelling through the phone in front of me, so I just stay there, in silent.

—DON'T CALL BACK! OKAY? FUCK YOU! —she shouts, and she hangs up the phone.

I look back at her and she tries to smile.

—I'm sorry —she says embarrassed—. It was my ex... we broke up two weeks ago and he is constantly trying to get back... but he cheated on me so I don't want to know anything about him —she tells me with a sad gaze now.

—Oh! You don't have to explain anything! —I reply to her trying to play down.

—We had been together for so long... I just can't believe he did that to me. —she rolls her eyes—. I'm having a rough time, but I don't pretend to strangle you with my problems you know. —she jokes.

—Actually, I'm having a rough time too —I tell her—. I have just moved from Venezuela some weeks ago, and I have left all my family and friends there. So I'm feeling quite alone, and it's not cool. —I laugh.

—Oh my God. This doesn't look like a business meeting... This looks like a psychological counseling!

We both laugh around her comment, I like her. She seems to be very fun.

—I have just met you this morning... —I smile at her— But with the minutes I have spent with you I already know the huge mistake your ex has made.

—Wow, slow down! Don't go that way! —she suddenly shouts at me.

She looks angry. I can't understand why she took that compliment wrong.

—I'm sorry if you didn't like what I've said... I didn't mean to hurt you... I mean he had been an idiot to leave you. —I try to explain myself.

—Yeah, yeah! All of you guys say the same thing! I don't like to make others feel pity for me, okay? I don't like to play the victim!

—No! But I didn't want to... —I say, but she doesn't let me finish.

—Look, I'm going home. I need to take a rest. —she stands up—. We'll finish this through the week.

I want to stop her, but I can't articulate a word because I can't understand what have just happened. What did I say? I just tried to tell her she seemed to be a nice girl! I just hope she won't be mad for long... because if so, this school year will not be very manageable.


Hi guys!

I hope you liked this new chapter!

I'm going to start updating most often now that summer starts!

I'd love to get feedback and your opinion!

Next update: Tuesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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