- Epilogue -

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Demi's POV

I look at my two days old little boy Lucas Neal, who is sleeping comfortably on my lap.

He is dark-skinned like Wilmer and he has his eyes too, but he definitely has my well defined nose and my cleft in his chin.

The move of his chest going up and down gives me peace and I love the way he uses his strength to try to hold my finger when I take his hand.

I always thought I wasn't ready to become a mother, but it's not until you hold it for the first time and see his tiny face when you feel prepared enough to love and raise him. He's only been a day and a half between us and I'm already in love.

I bend my head and I kiss his forehead sweetly repeating times, when someone knocks on the door and I see Wilmer's head stick in the room.

—Good evening, my loves! Daddy is here! —he says, standing in the door—. How is it going?

—Hi baby! —I reply smiling—. We are doing okay! We just woke from a nap and I have just breast feed him.

—Glad to hear that, because I have a surprise for you! —he says and opens the door completely.

A lot of joyful children walk behind him, making my hospital room look little and filling it with so many presents. Our lovely old students!

—Miss Demi! We've been missing you! —Jake says as soon as she sees me.

—GUYS!! —I shout surprised and happy to see those all get in—. What are you all doing here? How did you all get in here? Is it even permitted to have that many visitors? —I laughed, still holding Lucas on my arms.

—We heard at school that you gave birth, so, we ran to Mr. Wilmer's class to ask about you —Violet tells me excitedly.

—We made him so many questions that he invited us to come to visit you! —Evelyn explained.

I can't avoid smiling when I see Evelyn, my guardian angel.

—I managed to convince the responsible of the hospital floor... —Wilmer smirks.

They all walk closer to my hospital bed.

—Did it hurt Miss Demi? —Evans asks me—. Did you cry? —he keeps asking and I see Wilmer bursting out laughing.

—She did! —Wilmer tells them from the other side of the room.

I give him a murderous look and I roll my eyes.

—Did you cry because it hurt too much? —Evelyn asks, too, with a puppy face.

—No, not really —Wilmer says not letting me talk—. She cried the second the baby was finally out and she holded it for the first time —he adds and all our old students look at us affectionate.

—Stop it Valderrama! —I shout, laughing—. You cried too!

—That was a secret Lovato! —he says seriously and then, we all laugh again.

—So can we see the baby? —Evelyn giggles approaching me.

—Of course! —I pronounce and they crowd together around me —. I introduce you Lucas Neal Valderrama Lovato.

—Aw, he is as cute as me! —Jake jokes, like he always used to.

—Don't even start Jake, please! —Evelyn complains and it makes me chuckle, as I remember how much they used to fight —. He is precious! —she adds stroking Lucas' cheeks.

—So tell me guys! How's third grade going? —I ask them as I place the baby on his father's arms.

—It's so boring Miss Demi! We are starting to learn how to divide and it's so difficult and awful! —Evans pouts.

—Yeah! Plus Mr. Green it's not as cool as you! —Allyson crosses her arms in disapproval.

—Guys! —I say cheerfully—. I'm sure Mr. Green is not as bad as you describe him!

—I don't understand why teachers have to change! —Lorraine frowns.

I smile again, feeling the nostalgia they were experiencing hitting me. We all wanted to be together this school year, but we were given different grades this year. I was the teacher of 5th graders, while Wilmer was the teacher of 1st graders.

—We miss you a lot Miss Demi! —Evelyn says, leaping on me and hugging me.

—We miss you too guys! —I hug her back.

—Now your new students will replace us and you will forget about us... —Alexa groans.

—That won't happen! —Wilmer says from the other side of the room while rocking the baby in the hospital crib.

—We will never forget you guys! —I tell them and I feel my eyes sparkling—. Are you aware of everything we've lived together? And how much we've helped each other? You're really important for us and nothing will break this special bond we created last year! —I say ruffling Aaron's hair sweetly.

Children smile and I see they get calmed about that.

—So, let's open your presents!!! —Cooper shouts, running to their bags—. Come Mr. Valderrama!

They hand us thousands of bags full of presents, like chocolates, roses, drawings, a cute pajamas, a pacifier and a smooth teddy bear.

We spend the rest of the evening eating the chocolates they brought and remembering funny things about last year.

At 6pm a nurse gets in my room and asks for everyone to get out, so they hug me and Wilmer helps them out, telling me he will be back soon and kissing Lucas and I in our foreheads.

I guess that at this time, you all have already found the meaning of Wilmer and me telling you our story. The story of two people who were broken at first, but that became stronger than ever together.

Last year, I never thought that Wilmer, that new teacher that didn't matter anything to me would become into such a special and essential person for me. I didn't think I'd end up falling in love and I'd have never ever thought that, at this time, I'd have a little son with him.

Sometimes, we have amazing desires, people and opportunities in front of us, which we leave aside because of fear or for not believing in ourselves enough.

Now, you know, you have to fight for all that make you happy, no matter what people think or say...

If you want to learn to play guitar, if you want to study a different degree than the one they say you should to, if you love someone and you're about to lose that person,...

Remember, it's never too late to do it. It's never too late to tell that person what you feel. It's never too late to go to university, it's never too late to ask for help, it's never too late to pursue that goal, it's never too late to apologize,...

There's time enough in life...




GUYS! IT ENDED! Oh my God! I can't believe it!

I've been writing and uploading this fanfic for almost a year now and I have to say that it's been a pleasure!

I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

I want to thank you all for all the comments, votes, love and support I have received from all of you through this year!

You guys make me feel powerful; you make me feel like I can do this! I can keep writing and I can improve!

That's why I will keep writing this summer and I'll upload a brand new Dilmer fanfic really soon!

Thank you for making space in your days to to read my story!

Thank you! Thank you so much! I love you! 💋 ❤

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