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Normal POV

It was 12:15pm and Demi and Wilmer were still hugging each other under the lake's water.

—It was a good one! —Demi said before pecking Wilmer's lips.

—It's always good to make love with you —Wilmer replied kissing her back.

Demi sighed and hugged him tighter that time.

—We should start thinking about how to dry ourselves —she said giggling—. Lunch time is in 45 minutes!

—Great! —he laughed—. Let's get out and dress ourselves —he added, taking Demi's hand and leading her out of the water.

—Get dressed? We are so wet! —she complained.

—Do you have any better plan? —he teased her.

Demi stuck her tongue out to Wilmer while they put their dry clothes into their wet bodies.

—Oh no! —Demi complained.

—What's wrong? —Wilmer asked as he buttoned his trousers.

—My clothes are already wet and my underwear is shown through —she groaned.

Wilmer looked at her seriously, but he couldn't avoid laughing when he saw how clearly he could see her girlfriend's underpants.

—It's not such a big deal! —he said and burst out laughing.

—Wilmer! You are so mean! —Demi criticized— now... What's the real plan? —she asked, crossing her arms.

Wilmer turned over to Demi and he took her hands.

—The plan... —he whispered—. The plan is running to the house and trying not be seen! Let's see who wins!!!! —Wilmer added, releasing Demi's hands and leaving in a hurry.

—Wilmer!!! —she threw her head back laughing as she saw his jokingly reaction—. Wait for me, you silly! —Demi shouted back running after him.

The children and the instructors were waiting for them at the dining room's door when they got downstairs from their room.

—Hello Miss Demi and Mr. Valderrama —the little ones shouted happily to see them.

—Hi guys! —Demi replied, smiling—. How was your morning?

—It was great! Tomorrow we'll go to see the animals! —Aaron explained excitedly.

—Wow, that's so cool! —Wilmer said—. Did you wash your hands for eating?

—Yes! —they replied.

—Then, you can get inside! Enjoy your meal guys! —he told them while he held the door for them to get into the dining room.

—Did they behave? —Demi asked to the instructors.

—Yes! Plus, they were really participatory! It was nice! —Heather told them joyfully—. We wanted to tell you that tomorrow we will go to the Nature reserve, to show them the fauna, flora and wildlife that they can find there...

—Yes and like it is a place where we have to be watching them out all the time, it's necessary for you to join us... —Abby kept explaining.

—Oh! That's great! We'll go with you! No problem! —Demi nodded.

—Great! See you tomorrow at 9am! —they waved to them, letting Demi and Wilmer join the meal.

After they had lunch children played in the playground until they went to the cosmetics' workshop they had that day. So, that meant Demi and Wilmer had the whole afternoon free again. They didn't know what to do, so they were sitting in one of the playground benches, thoughtful and quite bored.

—It's just the second day we are here and I never imagined I could say this but... I'm bored and I miss those little ones... —Demi broke the silence.

Wilmer looked up to Demi surprised and quite confused.

—I'm also bored... But you overstepped you're your boundaries, don't you think? —he said saucily.

A smile appeared in Demi's face at his boyfriend's joke.

—You're probably right... But I'm so bored I miss them! —she chuckled.

Wilmer's POV

That second night was crazy. Demi and I were too tired but looked like our students were still too active to sleep. I ran behind Demi's tireless students Jake and Evans for like an hour until they decided to obey us to put their pajamas on. At the same time, Demi spent a long time trying to get some of the other children into their beds.

"Come on guys, it's time to sleep!", "Wilmer and I are really tired... Can't you guys help us a little?" I heard Demi beg to those lively children.

"Why are you so tired? You didn't come with us Miss Demi!" I listened to Alexia said jumping into her bed.

"Yeah! What did Mr. Valderrama, and you do in your free time?" Jessica my student added.

I handed Jake her pajama trousers and I headed to help Demi invent something.

—Do you still miss them? —I whispered to Demi, making her hit me in my arm—. Come on guys! Enough! Time to sleep! —I clapped my hands.

—Noooooo, please Mr. Wilmer! —Violet complained—. 10 minutes more! We ain't tired!!

Demi rubbed her face showing she was really tired and she said:

—Will you get in your beds and try to sleep if I tell you a story? —she told them desperately.

—YEEEEEES! —they shouted, running to their beds.

Demi told them the classic Cinderella story while I walked around their beds, making sure they were all correctly lay down in their beds trying to sleep.

"So the moment the duke sees the identical crystal slipper that Cinderella has in her hands, he runs to put her the other one which fits perfectly" Demi said ending the story with a lower voice every time.

—That's amazing! I love this story! —Allyson said between yawns.

"In the end, the prince gets really happy to know he has found the girl she was searching for and he didn't doubt about it any second. He went to Cinderella and asked her to marry him. She nodded and they lived happily ever after"

—That's so beautiful, Miss Demi! —Little Byron whispered.

—And... why did the prince never give up? —Evelyn asked.

That's the moment I heard Demi said "Because in love, it's never too late".

Children closed their eyes and I took Demi's hand, leading her to our bedroom through the dark room.


Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Wednesday-Thursday (I'm busy sorry😭)

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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