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Normal POV

It was December 31st, and the typical rush of every end of the year felt in the air. Everybody was trying to finish their tasks, and all of them were running from one place to another, buying the last things to make the New Year's Eve dinner perfect.

Demi was waiting for Marissa out of the hairdresser, to make their hair look on point for the night, because Mathew, Marisa and she were going out like every year after the dinner.

She was looking from here to there, when she saw an acquaintance. Demi startled, tried to get in the hairdresser before she was seen, but it didn't work.

—Demi!! —Cameron, Demi's ex boyfriend, waved at her.

Demi turned over wishing she could run away from that uncomfortable situation.

—Oh, hi! I didn't see you —she lied.

—It's been a long time! How have you been doing?

—I've been great, working and all that... What about you?

—Oh... I've been great too... —he replied—. Well, I've been thinking a lot about what happened between us... And I really wanted to apologize.

Demi looked at him with a laughing attitude, but she didn't laugh. She didn't believe a word he said.

—Cameron, what happened, happened, because it was meant to happen... Our relationship was sinking... And you know it —she added, seriously.

—I know, but... It didn't have to end that way... And I didn't treat you the way I should... I'm sorry for the day I went to your school and confronted you and your work mate.

—Wilmer, my boyfriend —she clarified.

—Oh... —his face changed—. Glad you've remade your love life.

—Thank you...

—So I suppose you'll go out with him tonight, won't you? —Cameron asked, breaking the silence.

Demi wasn't really comfortable talking with him and even less about Wilmer, but she decided to tell the truth.

—Wilmer is in Venezuela with his family. I'll go out with Marissa and Matt like every year —Demi replied curtly.

—Oh! Long time I don't see them too! —He said happily—. I will miss you guys tonight! —he added, remembering the last years when they were together and they used to go partying together in the New Year day.

Demi nodded and fake smiled.

—Hey! —he raised his voice—. Do you already have a plan? I'm throwing a New Year's party at my new apartment... Maybe you could pass by?? —he said smiling.

—Oh... I don't know... I think Matt had a plan but I don't know... Thank you anyway —Demi lied again, avoiding accepting the invitation.

—Anyway, I'll give you my address... You guys are invited if you want to come! —he said writing down—. Well I need to buy some candles for tonight, see you then maybe!

—Okay, happy new year in case we don't see each other! —she said, politely.

—Happy New Year, baby! —Cameron shouted while leaving—. I mean Demi! —He corrected himself quite ashamed of his error.

Demi fake smiled again and she rolled her eyes upset when he turned around. Some minutes later, Marissa arrived and they went to the hairdresser.

Wilmer's POV

I had been feeling guilty ever since I left Demi alone on Christmas day. I felt like I should have taken a plane and run to her that same night, so she could have seen how much I really cared about her. At that moment that I couldn't be with her on our first Christmas vacations I was realizing how much I truly loved her...

On the other hand, it really made me happy to think that that day was the last festive day before Christmas vacations came to an end, because I was flying back to Texas really soon.

In any case, I thought that I had already punished myself too much until that moment, and I wanted to have fun that last day of the year, so I was going to go out to a party with my friend Lucía. To be honest, I couldn't wait to have a little fun!

Demi's POV

"..., six, five, four, three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" My family and I shouted while we heard it from the TV.

I turned around to hug my family when I saw my parents, my uncle and aunt, my older cousins and grandparents kissing. I hugged my sister Madison and my little cousins and some tears ran down my face, remembering how much I'd have loved to kiss Wilmer's lips when the ball dropped seconds ago, and that's when my sister Dallas hugged me.

I smiled and wiped my eyes when my phone buzzed:

Wilmer co-worker: Happy new year for you, baby girl! Still 30 minutes for me! I can't wait to rock this brand new 2017 with you! Te amo mucho! 😍 😘 😗

Me: Thank so much Wilmer! I love you and miss you!

I hugged the rest of my family and I went upstairs to get dressed to go out. I dressed a black dress with a black coat, some high heels and some leather gloves. Then I curled my short hair and when I finished it was 12:30am, 12am in Venezuela, so I took my phone back:

Me: Happy New year handsome!!! What are you up to??

Wilmer co-worker: Thank you, amor! I'm going to a party with Lucía and her friends! You?

LU-CÍ-A that was the only thing I could hear. Lucía, his old friend. I was jealous again, because he was going to spend his New Year's night with her, instead of me.

I didn't know why, but suddenly I felt like I needed to be mean, so I typed:

Me: I'm going to an old friend's New Year party too!! Have fun baby!

Wilmer co-worker: Same to you! See you in two days!😚

So that's what happened; Marissa, Matthew and I drove to Cameron's party, and that was the beginning of Wilmer's and I's disastrous New Year.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Saturday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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