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Demi's POV

He was on top of me kissing every part of myself as I kept undressing him. His hands were all over my body and I was enjoying every stroke that came from them. "I love you Wilmer" I managed to say when my lips opened to moan of pleasure...

"Beep, beep!", "Beep, beep!", "Beep, beep!"

The sound of my alarm made me jump out of my bed. I got up and dressed my leggings and my sporty T-shirt to start my daily routine. I went to the bathroom, put my hair in a ponytail and I left jogging.

It had been almost 3 months since Wilmer and I decided to go different ways, so we hadn't met since the weekend we went to his rented house. We obviously had seen each other to prepare our classes, but that's the only thing we had done together.

I was trying to run faster to try to get rid of the thoughts that filled my head every time I dreamt with Wilmer. I had been having those recurring dreams at least once a week since the day I told him how I felt. I guess my brain was trying to forget him, but my heart was playing a dirty trick on my subconscious, which was trying to show me how badly I wanted to be with him.

Normal POV

—Miss Demi! Today is the day! It's my 7th birthday!!!! —Evelyn Demi's student shouted when Demi got in the room.

—I know baby girl! We will have to do some exercises first, but we will sing you later, I promise okay? —Demi said and Evelyn nodded happily while sitting down—. Okay guys, good morning! I'm going to explain you what your next project for your writing class will be!

Children got quiet and listened to Demi with curiosity.

—You'll have to write a little story in pairs! —she confirmed—. And you will have to illustrate it too, so it will count for arts' class too!

—But Miss Lovato that'll be a hard job! —Daniel another student complained.

—That's why you'll have the whole month to do it, until Christmas break!

—We always have to do the worst projects! —Jake whispered.

—Jake, stop complaining! Mr. Valderrama's students will be working on the same project as you! And maybe we can do a contest last day of school and give a prize to the writers of the better stories! —Demi encouraged her students—. I'm going to write down the explanations and all that you have to add to your stories on the blackboard, copy it in your notebooks, please.

Demi took a white chalk and started to write while her students copied. She was almost done when she started to feel dizzied.

—Guys, as today is Evelyn's birthday, you can make a beautiful drawing for her when you finish copying this —she managed to say—. I'll be back in a second, okay? —she added walking to the door when she fell to the floor fainted.

Wilmer's POV

—Are you guys done copying? —Wilmer asked to his students who were also copying about their new project.

—Nope! —a lot of them shouted.

—Oh my goodness guys, you are slower than snails! —he joked, making his students laugh.

—Mr. Valderrama! Mr. Valderrama! —a little and scared voice shouted and knocked on the door.

—Come in! —Wilmer replied.

The door opened and Evelyn and her friend Allyson came in Wilmer's classroom.

—What's wrong? —he asked, confused.

—Miss Demi was explaining and writing down on the blackboard when she suddenly went pale and fainted! —Evelyn said, pouting.

—Okay, okay, calm down girls. —Wilmer calmed them down— Guys, keep copying, while I go to Miss Lovato's class! —he told his students.

I rushed to their class to find Demi unconscious on the floor.

—Demi, wake up! —I told her bending down next to her.

She didn't reply so I opted to ask for help.

—Okay guys, I need your help! —I said, trying to look calm—. You two! Go to the bathroom and bring me her bottle of water filled with cold water. Okay?

—Yes, Mr. Valderrama! —the two little boys replied, running to the bathroom.

—And you girls, go to Miss Kelsey's class next to mine and ask for help, then call Mr. Davis, please.

I was pouring water in her forehead and neck when she opened her eyes and Mr. Davis and Miss Kelsey arrived.

—What happened? —she said looking into my eyes while I held her.

—You fainted, Miss Demi!!! —Evelyn jumped on her.

—Aww baby girl, I'm okay! —she hugged her—. I didn't even realized I had fallen!

—Okay, get out guys! Miss Demetria, the ambulance is waiting for you outside —Mr. Davis said as serious as always—. Miss Kelsey you are in your free hour so you'll go with Miss Demetria and Mr. Valderrama you'll take charge of your class and Miss Demetria's one. —He commanded.

—But Mr. Davis, there are too many children for just a teacher —Demi said while they carried her.

—He'll do great, you'll see! —The director replied and he left, leaving me alone with 40 little persons.

I took all Demi's students and led them to my classroom. As they all had the same age and they had been studying in the same centre since they were very young, they were also friends, so they didn't have any problem to share their desks.

It was not going to be easy to keep all them entertained so I decided to stop my lesson and I let them paint like Demi's students were doing. All of them were doing a birthday drawing for Evelyn, the little girl that warned me about Demi's condition, so I invited my students to do the same.

—Mr. Valderrama, can I do a drawing for Miss Demi? —Evelyn asked happily.

—You are the birthday girl, aren't you? —I smiled to her and she nodded giggling—. Happy birthday sweetie! And of course you can, I'm sure it will make Miss Demi feel so much better!

—Yes! I will draw her with the baby she's carrying! —she added while she started to draw with her pencil.

I didn't know if I had heard the right thing or if I had misunderstood what the little girl told me, so I decided to ask her again.

—What did you say?

She raised her head and she looked at me.

—When my mom was carrying my little sister she used to faint like Miss Demi —she replied smiley.

I was trying to process what the little girl was trying to tell me, but I was too impacted to understand.

—I'm sure she is pregnant!!! —Evelyn added with a chuckle.

That was when it really hit me. Fainting is one of the symptoms of the first months of pregnancy... It had been almost three months since we don't know anything about each other's life... What if she was back with Cameron? What if she was PREGNANT?


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Saturday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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