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Demi's POV

It was finally Saturday 11am in the morning and my friends Matt and Marissa were already at my home waiting with me for Wilmer to pick us up to go to the house he had rented.

I was still packing the last things I wanted to bring with me while my friends crammed me with questions.

—Are you already sure of what kind of relationship you guys have? —Marissa asked me jokingly.

—Marissa, we know what kind of relationship we have since the first day. —I looked at her seriously—. We are co-workers and we get along well... we're friends.

—So... —Matt interrupted us with a squishy voice.

—So what, Matt? —I laughed, looking at the puppy face, he was putting.

—So, nothing is gonna happen in this cool and long weekend? —He added excitedly.

I looked at him and I rolled my eyes smiling, while I closed my bag's zipper.

—No, Matt —I replied—. There's nothing going on between us.

I took my bag and I went downstairs to place it in the door.

—This is the typical weekend in which something happens —Marissa whispered to Matt.

—I know, I didn't believe a word she said! —he replied.

Marissa and Matthew burst out laughing.

—I have to admit they are TOO cute together! —Marissa shouted.

—I know Ma!! We need to do something to get her involved with him! It's clear he likes her!

—I CAN HEAR YOU GUYS! —I yelled from the kitchen and they burst out laughing even harder than before.

When I finished packing my things, we watched TV until we listened to a car's horn and we saw Wilmer waving at us from it. We went out and he helped us put the luggage in the car. Then he drove us to the house.

Normal POV

It was a sunny and a very hot day and the four of them were very excited for the days they were spending together. It was 1pm when they arrived to the big house so they had the whole weekend ahead.

—OH MY GODNESS! —Demi shouted surprised—. IS THAT BIG POOL OURS?

—It is! —Wilmer replied, smiling.

—OH MY! OH MY! —Marissa continued—. I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IN THERE!

—CAN WE USE THAT BARBECUE? —Matt asked happily.

—Guys! We can use whatever it's in the house! —Wilmer said excitedly.

—YAAAASS MAAAN! —Marissa jumped around.

—So what about if we make a barbecue with the food we have brought and then we enjoy that biiiiiiiiiiiiig pool? —Demi suggested.

—WE ARE IN! —Marissa and Matthew replied and ran to put their swimsuits on.

—Great idea, Demi! —Wilmer added and both of them went to get changed too.

Wilmer and Matthew took charge of the barbecue. They prepared chicken, sausages and brochettes. While they cook, Marissa and Demi splashed in the swimming pool. Then, they set the table and they enjoyed the lunch.

—This is life... —Matthew muttered laid down in the grass.

—This is living! —Demi replied next to her friend.

—God, I'm boiling here! —Wilmer said, getting up off the grass—. I can't stand this heat; I'm going to the water!

—I'm following you! —Marissa stood up after Wilmer.

Both of them got in the swimming pool and they swam and joked around while Matt and Demi sunbathed. Some hours later, Matthew couldn't stand the heat either and he jumped to join them into the pool.

—There's just one yet in the sun! —Marissa shouted.

—Come on Demi! You won! —Wilmed said, laughing—. Come to cool off yourself before you get sunstroke!

—I'm good, don't worry about me! —she replied, not even opening her eyes.

—Hey! Let's play Marco Polo game! —Marissa suggested.

Wilmer and Matthew laughed at the idea.

—Demi, haven't you heard your friend? —Wilmer joked—. Come to play Marco Polo game!

—You see I'm comfortable lay down here... but the worst part is that I know you perfectly to know you won't leave me alone until I get in the pool... —Demi groaned standing up and jumping into the pool—. How is it played?

—Okay, I'll be Marco! I'll stand in place counting to ten, so I give you time to disperse! You have to try not to be caught by me and I'll try to catch you with my eyes closed.

—Oh! I know! You have to be saying Marco, Marco and we have to reply Polo, Polo so you get to know where we are, right? —Demi continued.

—That's it! —Marissa affirmed.

They all accepted the game and Wilmer started to count down and then they started to play.

—Marco! —he shouted while swimming.

—Polo!!!!!! —Demi, Marissa and Matthew shouted back.

They spent a long time playing the game and Wilmer couldn't find them anyway.

—Am I close? —Wilmer asked tired.

—We can't answer that! —Demi replied, laughing about how terrible Wilmer was playing that game.

—Okay, Miss Demi! I know where you are! —he added right when he heard her voice—. GOT YOUUU! —he shouted, catching her.

—HEY! —Demi yelled—. THAT WAS MY BOOB!

Wilmer opened his eyes and he blushed ashamed of what he had just done.

—I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to touch your... I mean I couldn't see what I wa... you know, I...

—Wilmer, it's not a big deal... Intentionally or unintentionally, it's not the first time someone touches my boob —Demi joked—. Is it the first time you touch one, or? —she teased him.

—Do you really want to know that Miss Demi? —he asked more confident now that she saw she wasn't upset— is that relevant for a friend?

—Um... It's interesting to know in which place my boob is in your list of touched boobs... —Demi replied and they burst out laughing.

—I quit this conversation! —Matthew shouted and he left the pool.

—Great idea Matt! We better start preparing dinner and the beds for tonight! —Wilmer said following him— Pool party tonight??



Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

I feel like you didn't like the last chapters as much as the others so you know you are free comment your opinion and vote if you like!!

Next update: Thursday

Thank you so much for reading my fic, stay strong ❤️💋

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