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Demi's POV

Thursday, June 8th, 2017; the penultimate day before school was over. We had just one night and a last day more to think about what we would do about our future, but honestly, Wilmer and I hadn't talked about it seriously. It seemed like, if we didn't talk about it, it wouldn't be real. It'd not happen. I sometimes thought that we were waiting for a miracle to happen, or that we just believed in our relationship and that the destiny wouldn't let us separate.

As we did for every special day at school, we were preparing a party for the last day of school where parents would come to see their children perform. Just the way we did at Christmas' time when we sang some songs.

This time, we were preparing a play among 2A class and 2B. The play we were making was "Romeo and Juliet", but more in a way appropriated for children of all ages.

Like it was obvious all of our students wanted to play the protagonists, so Wilmer and I decided to raffle the parts. Evelyn got Juliet and Jake got Romeo. Wilmer's students got annoyed because both of the protagonists were from 2A. I promised I didn't cheat, but I was really happy that my little ones got them!

We had been rehearsing for like a month already, since we came back from the camp and it was really emotional to see them act so amazing. They loved the story and they studied their lines very well it was so perfect.

Wilmer and I were sitting down at my desk, seeing them dressed in their costumes and acting. It was one of our lasts rehearsals.

—Romeo! —Evelyn shouted, starting her last sentence already—. You can't leave me alone! I can't live without you!

She leaned down to Jake and kissed his cheek. Then, she headed to take the can of the supposed poison Romeo had drunk and she gave it a sip. Right when she did it, she threw herself to the floor, making like if she fell down dead.

Wilmer and I stood up and we started to clap like crazy.

—That was freaking amazing guys! —Wilmer shouted and I kept smiling.

—Yey! Thanks! —all of them shouted.

—But I still can't get why they let their families separate them! —Allyson complained, crossing her arms.

—What do you mean? —Evans asked her.

—If Romeo loved Juliet and Juliet loved Romeo, what was the problem? —she explained—. They shouldn't let their families stop it! They should have fought for their love!

—You're right! —Jake jumped and stood up on his desk—. That's what you have to do Mr. Valderrama, and Miss Lovato! You should go and face all of them! Tell them what you feel!

Wilmer and I chuckled. We wished it was so easy.

—Guys, this is not that easy as you think —I told them—. We need to accept it, we knew this wasn't okay and we still did it... Now we have to face the consequences, like every adult should.

—I hate adults! —Evans murmured, making us laugh.

—Wait to see! I bet you'll hate even more being one!

Normal POV

The break time arrived and all the children ran out. It was Wilmer's turn to take care of the students on the playground, so he was drinking a coffee while walking from one side to another.

—Hi Mr. Wilmer!

He turned around, took his sun sunglasses off and looked down to the three little girls talking to him.

—Hello, girls! —he waved back at Violet, Evelyn and Allyson—. Aren't you playing?

—We were, but we thought it was more interesting to talk to you —Evelyn replied chuckling.

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