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Wilmer's POV

The week was going slower than ever now that Demi and I were together and I had to contain my self's need to be with her all the time.

It was midday and children had already left the school to have lunch.

I opened my classroom's door to see Demi sat on her table while correcting her maths exams. I stared at her for some seconds, still trying to assume she was my girlfriend now, after all we suffered the past months making ourselves believe there wasn't nothing going on between us.

—Psst! —I tried to attract her attention.

She turned over to see me and I pointed at my phone, making her take hers.

Me: you gonna go downstairs to the teacher's dining room to have lunch?

Demi Coworker: Yep, you?

Me: Yes! See you in the elevator in 10 mins?

Demi Coworker: Since when do we take the elevator?😂

Me: Since that's the only place I can kiss you... 😉

Demi Coworker: afljldskfjasl see you in 10! 😋

Demi's POV

I took my food, I left my class closing the door behind me and I headed to the elevator. I pressed the button and I waited until the doors opened when Wilmer appeared.

—Hello —he said while smiling.

—Hi, I'm going down, you? —I asked to him, trying to sound serious.

—Yes, first floor —He replied as serious as me.

I clicked the 1st button so the doors closed and we both leaped on each other. The passion was unstoppable. Wilmer placed his hand on my butt and I put my hands into his head, pulling him harder to my lips.

—The hours I've been waiting for this felt like hell to me —Wilmer whispered in my ear while I kissed him.

—God —I said—. I missed you.

Wilmer lifted me and pressed me to the elevator's walls.

—Is this a movie? —I laughed while he kissed my neck, making me a hickey.

—Nope —he replied—. This is our reality —Wilmer added looking me in my eyes.

I smiled and pecked his lips.

—We are almost down —He said, pointing at the elevator's monitor which was showing it was already on the second floor.

—Ouch —I replied and I started to brush my hair fast.

Suddenly the elevator ringed and the doors opened. Wilmer put his head out it to see if there were people out.

—The coast is clear! —he told me and gave me a little kiss on my cheek—. See you in the dining room! —He added overtaking me so we wouldn't get in the room together.

Normal POV

Demi decided to wait some minutes until Wilmer settled down in the dining room to conceal what was happening.

—Hello! Bon appétit! —she said getting in.

—Thank you! —Miss Kelsey replied.

—Hello Demi! —Wilmer and Mr. Dave replied.

She took a seat between Miss Kelsey and Miss Jane, in front of Wilmer and Dave and she started to eat.

—Guys, have you already thought about what are your graders going to prepare for Christmas' show? —Miss Jane asked.

—No, to be honest, Wilmer and I didn't even talk about it... —Demi replied.

—No... We didn't have time for that... —he said laughing.

The teachers looked at him, puzzled as Demi did.

—I mean because we've been doing other things... —he added trying to fix what he said.

But he wasn't fixing it and Demi looked at him with the gaze of a murder to make him know he was spoiling it.

—I wanted to say we've been very busy correcting exams and all that! —He clarified serious now.

Dave burst out laughing at how nervous Wilmer was.

—If it weren't because I know Demi has a boyfriend I'd say you guys were hiding something to us... —he laughed.

Demi and Wilmer fake laughed and they continued talking about Christmas.

—Well, I've got a great idea that I was planning on telling you and proposing it to Mr. Davis, the director. —Miss Kelsey talked—. I was thinking about making a "Night" Christmas show this year... Each grade could prepare a performance or a little play or something and we could invite their parents to come to see it.

—That's what we do every year —Miss Jane chuckled.

—I know, here comes the new part! —Miss Kelsey rolled her eyes—. After the show, we could prepare a cinema night at the school's gym for every child that wanted to join us on a cool sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!!! —she added excitedly.

—Kelsey, are you planning to do a massive sleepover at school?? —Demi asked about to have a heart attack.

—YEEEEES! Isn't it cool??? We could bring our students to watch the movie and then every teacher would sleep with their students in their classrooms! It's cool! Then next morning we'd have breakfast and they would go home for Christmas vacations!

—I think that's a great idea! —Wilmer said and laughed.

—You will kill me... ­—Demi joked accepting it.

—Let's dooo it!!!!!!!!!!!!! —Miss Jane and Mr. Dave shouted.

The huge sleepover was on its way.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Saturday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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