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Wilmer's POV

The tears that were falling down my eyes while I drove blurred the road the same way my thoughts blurred my mind. I had to leave Texas the same way that I had to leave Venezuela 10 months ago, hurt, disappointed and broken. Didn't I deserve happiness?

I thought I had finally found my place in Dallas and now I had to leave it all behind. I was not thinking of breaking up with Demi obviously. I was in love with her and that was the last thing I could think of doing. We could still have a relationship from the distance... There are a lot of couples that do that... But ... Would it really work? Because, I guess it must be difficult not to see the person you are in love with, not to touch or kiss her.

I turned the radio on trying to erase the thought of Demi forgetting about me and falling in love with another man. Planes of not appearing at school the next day, picking Demi up from her apartment and running away with her filled my head.

I shook my head to distract my mind again. I was an adult and as we told our students, adults must face the consequences of what they do. That was what I was going to do.

I got home and I parked the car in the garage, before I walked to my bedroom. I opened my wardrobe and I started to throw everything out. Some minutes later, my shirts and trousers covered my bedroom floor. After that, I took my big bags from behind my bed and I started to fill them.

When I finished preparing my clothes, I started to fill the cardboard boxes with important things I wanted to bring to Venezuela with me, such as books, Demi's and I's portrait photos, music CDs and all that you pack for a move.

It was 3:30am when I switched on my computer to buy my plane ticket and to hire a moving company. I also had to call the landlady to tell her that I was  leaving, but the next day, I couldn't call her that late.

At 4am, after over thinking about how would I tell Demi that, I took a paper and a pen and I sat down on my bed writing to her.

"Dear Demi,

If you are reading this I guess you are already suspecting something and... Yes. I did... I came earlier this morning to school so I could carry out my plan and quit my job, so you could keep yours.

I hope you are not too mad at me, because you know this was the right and the most logical thing that could have happened. I don't want you to get concerned about me. I promise you I'll be okay, I'll search for another job and I'll be happy wherever I find it.

I took a hard decision, but it was the easiest at the same time. When I left Venezuela I said goodbye to great mates at the school where I worked too and the director of the school was also serious, but much more understanding than anyone here, so she told me that they would always be happy to have me back.

That's the reason why I have decided to move back to Venezuela, so I can save money, think and come back to you.

This is not a goodbye, because I love you more than anything and I couldn't forget about you. I hope you can understand me, and I hope we can keep our relationship in the distance until I can be back.

I also wanted to thank you for giving me the best days I have ever lived these past months.

Thank you for making me feel. For making me feel alive again, for reminding me what joy, happiness and the intensity of being in love are.

Thank you for all your hugs, smiles, kisses and supportive words; for teaching me that we can't always control everything that happens in our lives and that sometimes there's no guilty.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me battle that depression I was struggling with when I ran away from Venezuela. Thank you for filling the hole that my dad's death left into my heart. I love you so much Demi, I could never thank you enough.

I hope Mr. Davis and all our little one's parents can forget about this mess soon... I know they will, because those who don't know you will soon realize what an amazing person and teacher you are.

I didn't have time for saying goodbye to our little ones, so please, do me that favor? It's a pity that I can see them slay! So, clap the hardest and shout the loudest you can when they finish their play! Hug each one of them for me and tell them they were the best students I have ever had. I had so much fun with you all through this year and the most important: I don't regret anything.

With nothing more to say, I hope one day you can forgive me for this...

Te amo,

Wilmer Valderrama"

Normal POV

As soon as I finished reading the letter, the clock struck 9am and the students started to get in their classrooms. You might think the best thing to do would be to fold the letter back and keep it into my pocket. In that case, you might also understand how hurt I was.

My heart hurt like it never had done before. I probably should have tried to hide my feelings, but who would I trick? My pain was impossible to hide, and honestly, I didn't care about anything anymore.

—Good morning, Miss Demi! —Evelyn and Jake shouted, getting inside—. It's the day!

I heard them, but I couldn't listen. I took the letter and pressed it to my chest, closing my eyes and sobbing while tears ran down my face.

—Miss Demi? —Evans' voice changed from joy to worry.

—What's wrong? —Allyson said, getting in behind them.

I turned over looking at them, broken and not being able to stop crying.

—Miss Demi!! —Jake shouted almost crying too—. Why are you crying?

At that moment, I saw Wilmer's students get out of their empty classroom to walk into ours.

—Miss Lovato! —Aaron Wilmer's student called me—. Where's Mr. Valderrama?

I folded the letter and placed it on my desk before I looked back to them.

—He is gone —I said, while I saw how they started to tear up right after.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Monday-Tuesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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