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Demi's POV

I opened my eyes and l touched my nightstand looking for my phone into my dark bedroom. I switched it on to look at the hour. It was only 8am in the morning. It was Saturday and I would be sleeping if it wasn't for my upset stomach. The night before, after we came back from the Camp, I went out with Marissa and Matthew to a pub. We didn't really drink so much because I was very tired and I left early, but by my stomach ache, seemed like the alcohol didn't sit well with me.

I rolled over and after trying for like hours to find a good position to sleep, I got it right when my phone started to buzz and Wilmer's name covered the whole screen. He was calling me.

—Good morning baby! —he said when I picked up.

—Hi love —I replied—. How is it that you are calling me this early? —I joked.

—Well, it's not that early... It's 11am... —he chuckled—. I just missed waking up next to you.

I rolled my eyes smiling and I replied:

—Wilmer the sickly sweet is back! —I shouted at the phone, making him laugh.

—Well, it's not really that I missed you —he smirked—. It's that you don't reply to the messages, so I had to call you.

—Well, as I was trying to sleep, I had my phone's data connections deactivated —I murmured.

—Oh! Okay, it's that Kelsey, David, Sarah and Jane texted us in the group chat we have, telling that there was a sunny day ahead and if we wanted to go to the Dallas' Botanical Garden to spend the day together.

I was not feeling like super energetic, but it sounded cool and I didn't want to spend the day in bed, so I nodded.

—Cool! See you then baby, l'll pick you up in 30! Love you!

—Okay, love you!! —I said and we hanged up.

May was coming to an end and we could already feel the warmly June, so I put some jeans, a short-sleeve T-shirt, a grey shawl and some black sandals. 

The punctual Wilmer came to my house exactly 30 minutes later, so I took my bag and I headed out to his car.

—Hello baby! —he said pecking my lips when I got in.

—Hi —I replied, kissing him back.

I fastened my seat belt and I put my sunglasses on.

—They are waiting for us at the end of the neighborhood in Jane's car —Wilmer told me—. We'll follow them —he added, raising the volume of the radio.

There was just an hour from my apartment to the botanical garden, but with the situation of my stomach that morning and all the curves on that highway, I was getting carsick. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my seat trying that sickness to disappear.

—Are you okay?

I heard Wilmer ask me and I opened back my eyes to reply.

—Yeah, I guess it's that I went out with Ma and Matt yesterday night and alcohol killed me.

Wilmer burst out laughing at my comment, not taking his eyes off the road.

—Miss Lovato got drunk? —he asked, giggling.

—No... not really... I didn't almost drink. I took two beers, but I guess I had a bad day —I replied, closing my eyes again.

—Oh... But are you feeling better? —Wilmer asked, concerned—. Do you want to take some fresh air? We can stop the car for a while if you want.

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