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Demi's POV

I tried to avoid Wilmer at all costs that morning at school, praying for the hangover not let him remember a lot about last night, specifically, about me being damn drank and kissing his neck.

The first strategy I used to prevent our meet up, was not going upstairs to pick up my students, because I certainly knew he would be there picking up his. So I arrived at the school and I went upstairs to my classroom straight away.

—Morning, Miss Lovato! —Jake, Evans and his friends shouted when they entered the classroom.

—Good morning guys! —I replied while all my students were getting in.

—Hi, Miss Demi. —Alexa one of the most gossiping little girls I have ever met waved at me—. Did you come late today? You didn't go upstairs to pick us up.

—No, but I had something to prepare for our first class. —I lied—. Come on guys, sit down properly! —I shouted clapping and walking around the classroom—. School has already started, okay? Take your writing notebooks you're going to write some Haiku poems in pairs.

An hour and a half later, they had already written their poems so I decided to select some of them to go up to the blackboard. Some of them happily and some of them nervous, they read their writing and I have to say I was quite surprised of the great work they had done.

—I'm amazed guys! You've done a pretty cool work! —I encouraged my little 7 years old— Give them to me so I can correct them, please.

At that moment, the ring bell that notified us about the break time rang, and all the children stood up crazy and ran to the door.

—Guys! Don't forget to let your poems on my desk! —I tried to remember them before the classroom went empty.

Wilmer's POV

The morning had gone and I hadn't seen Demi yet. It wasn't that I was too excited to see her, but even though I didn't remember much about the night, I really had fun and thanks to her I didn't spend another depressing night alone. It was cool and I wanted to thank her.

I was starting to worry about the kiss she gave me. It was strange we hadn't met up in the whole morning, because our classes were opposite one another and it was strange she didn't come to pick her students... And the only reason I thought she could be avoiding me it was because she was probably feeling embarrassed of kissing me... But I didn't mind, I knew we both were drunk, so it was forgotten. I wasn't going to let a kiss ruin the friendship I thought it was starting to happen.

The hunger I felt got me out of my negative thoughts, it was lunch time. I took my bag and I left my classroom to go downstairs to the teachers' dining room, wishing not to have my meal alone, and maybe finding Demi there.

—Hello —I said, getting it the room, quite shyly.

—Oh, hello! —some teacher's of other grades waved at me.

I heated up my macaroni in the microwave and I sit down next to them to eat.

—My name is Kelsey, four grader's teacher! —One of them introduced herself when I stabbed some macaroni and took them into my mouth.

—Nice to meet you, Kelsey! —I replied nervously and swallowing them as fast as I could.

—We're Dave, Sarah and Jane —the teachers sat next to Kelsey added.

—Hello! Nice to meet you too!

—How are your first days going? —Kelsey asked me nicely.

—They... they are going okay. Children are being very nice to me, it's insane.

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