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Wilmer's POV

—It was Lucia —I told Demi while she drove—. She sounded scared and she told me she was bleeding...

—Oh my God! —she shouted, scared.

—I need to take her to the hospital... I hope you don't get angry for that... —I said scared of her feeling upset.

—Are you kidding me Wilmer? —she replied, not taking her eyes from the dark road—. You need to go with her, it's your responsibility.

—Yeah... Let me at my apartment and I'll take my car to drive her, please?

—Of course! Do you want me to prepare something for you guys to eat there? You haven't had dinner and... you never know the hour you get back from the emergency room.... —Demi said to me.

—No, don't worry! —I replied—. We can get something at the cafeteria.

—If you want I can cook something for when you come... —she kept saying.

—It's not necessary baby, seriously —I told her—. But I see you are quite scared, aren't you? —I smiled.

—It's quite crazy because it's not even someone I know, you know? —she explained—. But miscarriages... ugh they suck and they are sad.... And I'm sure they also cause a lot of pain!

—You can stay at my home if you want —I caressed her right thigh—... You can wait for me there.

—Great! —she replied—. I'll cook the dinner and then I'll wait you there.

—Okay, but we've got school tomorrow, so sleep if I get home late, okay? You've got yesterday's sexy nightgown behind my pillow —I winked at her making her smirk.

—Okay, baby.

Normal POV

—Are you better Lucia? —Wilmer whispered to her while they waited in the waiting room.

—Yeah... It's not hurting anymore... and I don't know if that is good or bad...—her voice cracked.

—Lucia Fernandez? —The doctor called her in.

We got up and walked to the consultation. Lucia took the seat in front of the doctor and I got a seat next to her. She looked at the doctor with brilliant eyes as she caressed her little baby bump.

—Well, small bleeding, right? —he asked while he read the note of the care assistant that gave them the appointment.

Lucia and Wilmer nodded to him.

—Okay, please, lay down into the stretcher —he pointed at it while going behind Lucia—. Is it hurting?

—No... not really.

—Great! Roll up your t-shirt please; we are going to do an ultrasound scan! —he took a little bottle from the medicine chest—. This might be quite cold! —the doctor started to spread the gel in her stomach for the ultrasound.

Wilmer stood up from his seat and walked to them. Lucia looked so scared and he wasn't comfortable at all, but the minimum detail he could have was at least to hold her hand, so he did.

—Is everything okay, Doctor? —Wilmer asked.

The doctor, focused, he kept sliding the transducer into Lucia's baby bump until he smiled.

—He is perfectly fine! You don't have anything to worry about! Can you hear that? It's his heart beat! —he told them excitedly.

—Oh my God! —Lucia smiled almost crying—. Did you say he? Are we having a boy?

—Oh! Yes! Congratulations mommy and daddy! You're having a baby boy! —the doctor switched the ultrasonography machine off.

—Oh my God! I'm so happy Wilmer! —Lucia leaped on him and hugged him while he smiled.

—Going back to the scare, the pregnancy is still on, but you really need to rest and it's very advisable for you to be accompanied at least for the next 30 days, in case it happens again... —he explained seriously while writing her discharge from the hospital.

—You'll need to move to my home —Wilmer whispered to her.

—But I don't want to disturb you and... Demi —she replied.

—It's okay... she will understand it.

Demi's POV

Me: You've got dinner on the countertop,I went to bed😪 Wake me up when you get home👌 😘 

I left my phone into my bed's side nightstand and I fell asleep.

"Demi, baby, I'm home" I heard some hours later, as I felt Wilmer's soft kisses into my cheek.

—How did everything go? —I groaned as I tried to open my sleepy eyes.

—It's okay! The baby is okay! —he replied—. But...

—Oh great! I'm happy to hear that! —I hugged him when he sat next to me into the couch— but what?

—She... the doctor said she couldn't live alone... at least until the next month... It's dangerous! She... she is moving here. She's sleeping in the room next to us... —he told me.

I was trying to be nice unless it was not a nice thing for me either. It is not nice to share your boyfriend with a woman who is expecting his baby. But I understood it and I couldn't even complain about that... it was his house, not mine.

—It's okay Wilmer —I took his face in my hands and I kissed him passionately—. You're doing the correct thing.

—Demi... Thank you for being so understanding...—he replied kissing me back—. I've got the best girlfriend in the world! —he whispered in my ear and we lay down and fall asleep cuddled into each other.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Friday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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