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Normal POV

—Oh no, not again! —Demi whispered— Evans! Come here right now!! Shut up!! —She yelled approaching him.

—MISS DEMI! YOU HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH MR. VALDERRAMA!!!! —Evans kept shouting, surprised.

—We don't have an affair Evans! We have just met a week ago! Please, don't invent!

—But I don't invent, Miss Demi! I have heard you talk!

—First of all, you should know by now that listening to other people's conversation it's something disrespectful! On the other hand, you should also know that you can't talk about something without being sure of what you have heard! And to conclude, you should know inventing conversations, it's something horrible; because you never know to what extent you can hurt someone. —Demi scolded Evans.

—But Miss Demi... I —Evans tried to apologize, scared.

—No, I don't want to hear you now, Evans! I'm too angry to listen! I want 50 copies of "I will not listen to other people's conversations and even less invent about them" for tomorrow morning! —Demi shouted to him—. Now go to class and sit down!

—Demi, why are you so furious? Are you okay? —Wilmer walked to her.

—I am. —she sighed—. But I think it'll be better if they don't see us talk a lot... at least these next days... I'm sorry. —she said dejectedly.

—But Demi, don't take is so serious! —Wilmer tried to convince Demi not to worry—. It was just a misunderstanding!

—Wilmer, trust me! We can pay a very high price for a misunderstanding like this! —she replied and got back in her classroom.

Wilmer's POV

School was a shit that day. I spent the whole day alone, and to cap it all, that entire busybody child slowed Demi's and I's friendship down. When I got home I took my phone and called my mom, the one that could always cheer me up.

—Hola mami! —I smiled happily to my mom's voice.

—¡Hola mi amor! (Hi my love!) How are you? Are you enjoying your time there?

—Yes! I didn't have a great day though...

—Oh... ¿Qué pasó mi Wilmer? (What happened, my Wilmer?)

—Look mom... —I said quite shy and not sure about what I was about to tell her—. There's a girl...

—¡AY DIOS MIO! (Oh my god!) —she shouted—. Did you found a girl there???

—Mom, slow down. She's my co-worker at school... she's nice. We're getting to know each other, but I really like her. She's so beautiful and nice... You'd like her —I told her and I regretted it a second after.

—Oh my God, Wilmer! Go for her!!! You deserve to find someone!

—Mamá (mom), listen, please! It's not that easy! We hanged out yesterday night and we had so much fun... but today at school one child listened to us talking about going out and he started to tell everyone we had an affair! —I explained—. I didn't pay attention to it, but Demi got very offended and she told me it was a very serious situation... She said it was better they didn't see us talking these days... What should I do?

—Look Wilmer, if she doesn't feel comfortable being seen with you at school there must be a reason... you should talk to her. After you find that out, there's nothing wrong with you guys being friends out of work... Invite her out!

—You're right, mami! What would I do without you!!! I'll hang up now! I need to think about something cool to do this weekend!!

—That's it love! You'll be great! Have fun! Te amo!

—Te amo, mami! —I said and I hung up.

Right after I left my phone in the table I had next to me. A great idea came to me.

—I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR THIS WEEKEND!! YAAASSSS! —I shouted, not giving importance to the fact that I was talking alone now.

I took my phone back and I wrote a message to Demi:

"Although we can't be 'good' friends at school thanks to our dear busybody students, I hope there's nothing that can stop us from being friends out?!?! xD I had so much fun with you and your friends yesterday and I now owe you a dinner so, what about the four of us spending the weekend in the house I'm renting in a village 30 minutes away from here??? Weather will be fine for the swimming pool! ;)"

Demi's POV

I was having a relaxing shower when I got Wilmer's text message. I got excited because I really liked the idea. How was I supposed to say NO to that amazing idea for the sunny and hot weekend facing us?? But I was still mulling over Evan's thing, at the same time. I had already talked about what happened to Marissa and Matthew so I took a screenshot of the message and I sent it to the group we had in common in Twitter.



Me: idk if that's a great idea guys...

Ma👯: Demi, pls, don't torture urself with that kiddo's misunderstanding! It'll be okay! And they can't prohibit you to be friends out of school! That'd be crazy!

Matt💃: Trueee Deeem!

Me: Okaay okaaaaaay! We are going!! Gonna tell him now!

I left Twitter and I started to write Wilmer back:

"Just talked with Marissa and Matt and they agreed! I'm packing my bikini already! :D Night!"

I replied and I went straight to sleep, hoping to be able to sleep properly before I had to go back to school next day, which I had a feeling that it would be quiet a busy Friday...


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, a day late! Sorry hahahaha

But I hope you liked it!

Feel free to vote and to comment your opinion!

Next update: Wednesday or Thursday (I know it's late, sorry)

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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