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Wilmer's POV

It was already January 2nd and school was starting back that same day. I woke up at 7am in my home in Texas, because I had taken the airplane the same New Year's Day, after I had lunch with my family.

I got up of bed, still very confused and not being able to forgive myself about what I did the New Year's night. I was very happy to go back to my daily routine and I was desiring to go back to school to see all my little kids, also, I couldn't wait to see Demi because I had been missing her a lot.... And I was sure I was going to tell her what happened, because I loved her and I couldn't hide my big mistake from her. She needed to know... even though I knew it'd probably mean the end of our relationship... but I preferred that than feeling disgusted for my own self for the next 40 years... I was sure; I was going to tell her.

So I had breakfast, got dressed and drove to school. I parked my car and headed inside.

—Hey!!! Happy New Year, Wilmer! —my work mates, Mr. Dave, Miss Kelsey and Miss Jane shouted.

—Heeey!!! What's up!? —I said while hugging them—. Happy New Year!!

—You ready to go back to work? —Dave asked me—. This vacation had been too short! —he complained.

—I know! —I laughed—. But I think I'm ready!

—Where is Demi? Have you seen her? —Jane asked, smiling with curiosity.

—No, I haven't seen her! She must be upstairs already —I replied—. Well, see you later guys! We better go to our classes, children will be here soon!

—Yes! See you guys! —Jane said while we waved at each other.

I went up the stairs and I walked into my classroom, when I looked at Demi's classroom and saw her with her back towards the door while she was raising the blinds. I stayed some minutes staring at her when I decided to knock on her door. I looked around to see if someone was listening and I talked to her:

—Happy New Year beautiful girl —I said, closing the door behind me.

Demi turned over to me smiling, but I could feel something strange in her mood.

—Happy New Year! —she replied with a fake smile.

I walked to her and I kissed her.

—I missed you... —I said while her eyes watered.

—I missed you too... —she replied, hugging me—. Look Wilmer... I... —she started and we let go of each other—. I need to tell you something because It's killing me —Demi continued.

I looked at her and as soon as I saw her lost gaze I knew something was very wrong...

—Demi, I need to tell you something too —I explained myself—. It's very important.

We stayed some seconds in silence, as if we already suspected what all that was about.

—Look, it's five minutes until we have to go downstairs to pick the children so it's not the moment... —I told her—. What about if we eat together and talk?

—But, where? —she asked—. The teachers' dining room will be full...

—Let's eat at my classroom! —I chuckled—. I'll lower the blinds for no one to see us from the playground and we'll close the door!

Demi smiled and nodded. Then I waved at her and I went inside my classroom to get it prepared for the children to arrive.

Demi's POV

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