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Normal POV

Next day all the teachers went to the school's porch to pick their students. Demi was a bit scared that morning, scared of what could happen if Evan's gossiping had arrived to every teacher or every student's ear. When Demi got in front of the line of her students, Evan's mom approached her holding hands with his son.

—Miss Demi. —she started—. I'm very sorry for what happened yesterday, we're both sorry! Aren't we? —she looked at his son.

—We are —Evans said ashamed.

—I wanted to apologize for Evan's prank. I know it wasn't a funny thing. Please, take the 100 copies I made him write and apologize to Mr. Valderrama for me as well. —Evan's mom handed to her the copies.

—But I set him just 50 —Demi told her, taking them.

—And I set him 50 more —she added— I know this is serious Miss Demi, and I would feel so bad if my son would be the cause of happening the same that happened last year...

—I know, don't worry. We will fix this mess. —Demi replied sadly— Thanks for your support! —Both of them smiled.

—See you after school, love. Behave well, please! —Evan's mom waved at his child and left.

Wilmer's POV

—Let's see... —I said, looking at all my students ready to pick one to go to the blackboard— Oliver! 35-12!

—Yeyy! —Oliver replied and stood up.

—Next one! 67+9! Ummm —I stopped to think— Violet!

—No, please, Mr. Valderrama —she begged.

—Why not? —I smiled to her— you'll do great! Come on! Don't be scared! I'll help you out if you need it!

Violet stood up slowly and not too firmly and headed to the blackboard. At that moment someone knocked on the door.

—Mr. Valderrama, could you come out for a moment please? —Davis the director of the school asked seriously.

—Of course. —Wilmer gulped— I'll be right back guys —He told his students and he left the classroom.

—Mr. Valderrama I've heard you and Miss Demi had a problem with a student yesterday and I'd want to talk about that at break time. I've talked with her too, so see you at 11am in my office.

—It's okay. —Wilmer nodded— I'll be there.

Demi's POV

—Come on in guys —Davis said as Wilmer and I got in his office— Take a seat, please.

—Mr. Davis, it was all a misunderstanding —I stated right after we got in— Evans listened to our conversation for a minute, he didn't have any idea of what we were talking about. —I added.

—Miss Demetria, you know I don't like to hear about these mistakes, misunderstandings or whatever they are... You know what happened last year with your mates Miss Smith and Mr. Adams... I wouldn't like it to happen again...

—I know Mr. Davis and I promise it's not going to happen —I replied to him—. I learnt from what happened too.

—I hope you did Miss Demetria.

—Sorry, I don't want to sound like a busybody, but I'd love to know what happened last year too... That way I can understand what the goal of this talk is. —Wilmer came out.

—Oh! I thought Miss Demetria would have talked you about that! —Mr. Davis said jokingly.

—I didn't because it's not relevant. We have just met, remember? We are just working mates. —I added very upset about his joking mood.

—Well, so you now have something to do Miss Demetria —He told me, looking into my angry eyes—. You can leave now and I hope I won't have to talk about this again.

I stood up, moved my chair and left the room irritated.

Wilmer's POV

I went back to my empty room after the talk. I wanted to follow Demi to her classroom so we could talk, but I supposed she would like to be alone.

I sat in my classroom's teacher's chair and I sent her a message:

Me: He's stupid

Demi Co-Worker: he is fuckin' retarded

Me: HAHAHAHAHAHA I didn't think a silly comment of a child would cause something like this shit... this school is crazy wtf

Demi Co-Worker: now you see... omg I can't fuckin' wait until Monster Davis retires!!!

Me: don't know if he will give you the pleasure... seems he'd like to be pissing teachers off for a long time hahahaha

Demi Co-Worker: u can't even imagine how much he enjoys doin that

Me: ugh.... Anyway, what time do u want me to pick you guys tomorrow?? I'll drive to the house

Demi Co-Worker: u sure? I can drive too

Me: what difference does it make Demi, I'll drive you

Demi Co-Worker: Okay, if you insist... 12:30pm?

Me: Greaat! I'll pass by at 12:30pm

Demi Co-Worker: my student's are already getting back in the classroom, ttyl byee

Me: same here, ttyl byee

I put my phone back in my pocket and smiled to my students. Although Mr. Davis had been an asshole to us, I couldn't hide I was happy... I had an amazing weekend ahead and no one could snatch that from me!


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Monday-Tuesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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