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Demi's POV

A couple of weeks went away by fast and we were already in February, specifically, in Saint Valentine's Day. Things had turned out fine since all the mess of the past weeks; our mates were keeping the secret and everything was going back to normality.

It was a rainy and a very stormy Saint Valentine's Day of winter. Wilmer and I were at school like every normal Monday, but we had planned a surprise for each other for the evening.

There wasn't a big effort to be at school that day since we were celebrating the love day. That year at school, we wanted to make the celebration different, we wanted to show children that love is not just between couples. We wanted to make them know that love is also a picture with our mom, a kind word from a friend, a smile for a stranger... And obviously we wanted to transmit them the "love equality" message, love is love, no matter the gender.

The plan was that every grade was going to do a mural with admiration and love messages and beautiful pictures with people they loved and then we were going to do a HUGE mural sticking all of them. When it'd be finish, we would put it at the school's entrance.

—Come on Mr. Valderrama! We've been waiting for ages! —My students shouted at Wilmer and his students that were getting in the school's gym to join us with the mural.

—We are here!!! —he replied lilting and he stroked my back when he walked behind me.

—This part is for you and this is ours! —Alexa my student explained to them while she stuck a picture with her best friend.

—Okay Alexa, thank you! —Wilmer replied to her—. Come on guys! Get on with it! —he encouraged his little ones.

The children were very concentrated doing the mural. Evelyn wrote a beautiful message, Evans put a picture of her mom and dad, Violet Wilmer's student put a picture of two men kissing that she had cut from a magazine and other ones wrote love songs' lyrics.

Wilmer and I were looking at them from a desk, we had brought to the gym while we were drawing and cutting hearts to put in the mural too.

—Miss Demi! —Evelyn my little one called me.

—Tell me! —I shouted from my desk while I drew.

—We are done!! —she replied smiling.

—We are done too, Mr. Valderrama! —Aaron added—. You just need to add your part and it'll be finished!!! —he shouted excitedly.

—What are you going to add?? —Allyson asked us with a roguish smile while winking at her best friend—. I bet they are going to put a picture of them together! —she whispered to the mates that were next to her.

I looked at Wilmer and he looked at me already laughing.

—I'm going to put a beautiful message for someone who is very important to me —Wilmer said, caressing my hand discreetly.

I chuckled as it caused me to feel butterflies in my stomach like a teenager in love.

—What about you Miss Lovato!? —he asked me in front of the smirking children.

I stared at his eyes for some seconds until I realized Evelyn was about to have a heart attack because of my reaction.

We were making her believe we weren't together, but that little one was too smart and she knew. Oh yeah, she knew! But we had to make her believe the opposite!

—I'm going to put two beautiful pictures of people that are very important to me! —I replied, taking them from my purse—. One of them is me with my schoolmates and the other one of my best friends and my family.

I walked to them and I took the adhesive tape to put them into the mural.

—That's it! —I said and clapped—. Your turn Wilmer!

Children ran to us to see my pictures and to read Wilmer's message.

They were very happy because that was the first year the school had done something like that.

The past years, they used to write the typical Saint Valentine's cards for their schoolmates, but that year was different. In addition, they were even more excited because Wilmer and I decided to participate with them, even though we were probably the only teachers taking part.

—Done! —he shouted.

I approached to him to read his message as well as the students did.

"I ran away from home looking for a new place to start over, I was afraid and hopeless, but that's when you appeared, ready to turn around everything and make me feel loved, alive and the person I really missed to be. I love you. With you and by you always"

Children and I turned over to him and I broke the ice.

—You must love that person a lot! —I said with a sweet voice.

—More than she could ever imagine —he replied, making me blush.

—Oh my GOD! Wilmer is next to Demi in the picture she stuck!!! —Violet shouted to Evelyn and Allyson.

—I'm always telling you —Evelyn nodded as the highly qualified love expert she is—. I'm sure Wilmer's message is for her as well!

Wilmer's POV

—Time to leave guys! Stop gossiping! —I shut them off—. We need some help to bring the mural to the entrance so Mr. Davis can hang it with the others!

—We three!!!! —Allyson raised her hand the higher she could.

Demi bit her lower lip; trying not to laugh because of the three shippers of ourselves we had in front. I gave her a confused look and she nodded so I accepted their help.

—The rest of you guys! Put your coats on and take your umbrellas! The storm has not stopped yet! —Demi warned the students while giving them their bags—. Please, inform Violet's, Evelyn's and Allyson's parents, they are with us and that they will get out 10 minutes later, all right?

—Sure Miss Demi!! —They replied in unison.

Right after we waved at them, we headed to the school's elevator with the three girls helping us carry the big mural.

—So what are you doing this Saint Valentine's day Miss Demi? —Allyson asked Demi when I clicked the button to go down.

I looked away not to make it even more uncomfortable for Demi, also because I really feel like laughing again.

—And what about you Mr. Wilmer? —Now my student Violet told me.

—Yeah, because if you don't have any plan maybe you two could...

I was sure that was someone that was helping us not to be discovered again, because suddenly, when Evelyn was about to end that sentence, the elevator stopped with a jolt.

—Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! —The three of them screamed and hugged us when the lights went off.

Allyson started to cry and Evelyn and Violet couldn't stop screaming. Demi held my hand tightly.

—Guys, don't worry! It must be because of the storm! —I tried to calm them down clicking the button again, but it didn't work.

—Keep calm girls! —Demi attempted to keep calm too, as she was quite claustrophobic—. Wilmer click the emergency button! —she ordered me.

I clicked the button but it was in vain. It must had been an electrical problem caused by the storm, because that button didn't work either. That only meant one thing... We were going to be stuck in the elevator until someone would come to find us, because no one could hear us. What a romantic Saint Valentine's day!


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Tuesday-Wednesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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