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Wilmer's POV

The time to leave school arrived and after I said goodbye to the forty students, I tidied both of the classrooms and I went back to my home.

When I got there, I had a snack sitting on the sofa while I thought about Demi and her possible pregnancy. I knew she said our relationship would be impossible, but I couldn't stand imagining her being with another man and even less having a baby with him.

I stood up and looked for my phone, then I texted her:

"Have you already left the hospital? Can I go to visit?"

I sat down again, waiting impatiently for the answer. Some minutes later, my phone buzzed, and I got the reply.

"Yes and sure"

I quickly put my shoes on, took my phone and my keys and I headed to Demi's house.

—Hi —I said, getting in—. Are you with someone else? —I asked, looking around.

—Nope, my parents just left —she replied, leading me to the hall—. Take a seat.

I sat on the sofa and I looked at Demi, who was apparently much better. She was in her pajamas, with no makeup and cuddled up in a blanket. She looked too cute.

—Are you feeling better? —I asked, concerned and trying to avoid the over think about the "baby".

—Yes, I am. The doctor said it's nothing too serious.

—Cool! Are you going to school tomorrow?

—No, because he said I could faint again in these next days... So I called Mr. Davis and I told him I wasn't going to go to school in a couple of days.

Great, I started to be even more nervous. The doctor said she could faint again and she hadn't told me yet what the doctor actually said. At that moment, I saw she had a bathroom sink next to her.

—And... What is that for? —I said, wishing not to hear what she was about to say.

—Oh, nothing... I have it there in case I feel the urge to throw up.

Okay, that was the moment when I realized I didn't need to keep asking and that I had to start mulling it over, because it was too clear she was pregnant. I felt my eyes watering and I wanted to leave, but I remembered how much I had been wishing to be with her the past months, so I took a breath a continued talking.

—I hope you don't get to need it! —I joked—. Do you want me to cook dinner for you?

—Only if you eat too —she giggled.

I got even more confused than I already was when she told me that. I went to her house to see how she was and I offered to make her dinner because I supposed she was tired. But I couldn't understand why she wanted me to have dinner with her if some months ago, she told me it was better if we didn't see each other.

—But Demi, you sa...

—I know what I said Wilmer —she interrupted me—. I've missed our friendship... I think there's nothing wrong if we are just friends... Have dinner with me, please.

I was sure this was not going to work because It didn't last time, but I liked her so much I had to say yes.

I cooked her favorite chicken soup and we had dinner together like the first time, laughing and joking around. But this time I knew where the line I couldn't cross was, so I left back to my home as soon as we finished our dinner.

Normal POV

As Demi was not going to school, a lot of teachers went into the 2A classroom to replace Miss Lovato that day.

First of all they had Math with Miss Kelsey, then they had music with Mr. Dave, PE with Miss Jane and now it was time for Mr. Valderrama to get in the class to practice the reading.

—Hello guys! —Wilmer waved at them.

—Hi Mr. Valderrama! —all of them shouted.

—Did you talk to Miss Demi? Is she okay? —Little Allyson asked.

—I did, she is so much better and she's probably going back to school soon!

They read some texts Wilmer brought to them and they played some games together until the bell rang.

—Okay guys, see you tomorrow! Don't forget to read at home okay?

—Mr. Valderrama!! —Evelyn shouted, running to him—. I forgot to give my drawing to you yesterday! Give it to Miss Demi, please? —she begged smiling.

—Oh... ye... yes, of course —Wilmer replied, taking the drawing Evelyn painted for Demi and the baby she was "expecting".

—Thank you! —she hugged Wilmer—. I'll tell you a secret!

Wilmer got surprised with her hug and her confidence. He wasn't even his teacher and she was very kind to him.

—Ally and I ship you guys! —she giggled—. Do you know what to ship someone is?

—I... I suppose I know... —Wilmer replied smiling.

—We'd love you to be a couple! —Evelyn chuckled.

Wilmer laughed, but he didn't say anything. He couldn't comment about that.

—Well, see you tomorrow, Evelyn! —he waved at her.

—Mr. Valderrama! Another thing! —she stopped him—. Has Miss Demi already told you if she is pregnant??

Wilmer stopped smiling and he got serious. He was 99% sure that Demi was pregnant, but he didn't want to say it out loud, because that would mean that it was time for him to accept it and he didn't want to believe it yet.

—I see you're quite a busybody!! —Wilmer said jokingly making Evelyn giggle again—. And do you know what do I do to busybody little children like you?

Evelyn denied shaking her head.

—I tickle them!! —he shouted and started to tickle her making her burst out laughing.

—It's enough! It's enough!!! —she begged between laughs—. See you tomorrow Mr. Valderrama!

—See you tomorrow, Evelyn! —Wilmer waved at her and he left school.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Thursday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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