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Demi's POV

—So what do you suggest? —she continued correctly with her part.

I wondered what they were planning to do.

—There's nothing we can do Juliet, you know our relationship has no future... We can do anything against forbidden love... —Jake replied as Romeo—. I'll take the potion, so I'll leave this world and let you forget about me... You will find the right love, I promise.

—What are you saying!? —Evelyn shouted, making like if she was furious and changing the play's script.

I looked within the script crazily all over and over again and I couldn't find anywhere what she was saying... I tried to warn her that she was not following the storyline, but she was not paying attention to me... WHAT WAS SHE DOING?


—You won't do anything! —she yelled, looking to the audience now—. Who are our families to forgive us to see each other? Why should we stop dating just because they can't stand each other?

—So, what do you suggest? —Jake said, taking Eve's hands.

—We are running away together, leaving everything behind.

—Can we do that?

—Who cares? —Evelyn shouted joyfully and acting perfectly—. No one should try to stop our love!

I kept hearing them and trying to believe that whatever they were doing would work. As the time passed, I suspected they had changed the scrip with one purpose...

—You're so wise Juliet! Let's leave and love each other no caring about what others think about us! Let's be free! —Jake stated looking to the audience.

—Let's do this Romeo! —she told Jake, looking him in his eyes before they collapsed in a big hug.

I looked at them open mouthed, still trying to figure out what they had just done. Allyson winked at me and made me the signal to lower the curtain, as I did it. The audience started to clap and cheer while all the little ones ran to the stage to do/give the final bow.

When they were ready, I raised the curtain back. The parents and teachers clapped even harder this time, until Evelyn, my little lovely troublemaker asked for silence, getting it successfully.

—Thank you for all your claps and support! —she said and looked at Jake.

—We wanted to dedicate this story to our unbeatable teachers, Miss Lovato and Mr. Valderrama —he said, leaving everyone as amazed as I was.

—By now, you probably know about their beautiful story... Two young teachers that fell in love doing what they liked to do the most: teaching —Allyson explained now, making me blush and covering my face, shyly.

—The saddest part is that, this morning, when we got to school, we found Miss Demi crying because his boyfriend and our cherished teacher, Mr. Valderrama, had quit his job forced by the rules that the school along with the parents established last year, when also, Miss Smith and Mr. Barthon fell in love at school... —Alexa protested.

The audience listened quietly and surprisingly about the speech the now mostly eight year old students had prepared.

—We broke up crying about it as our teacher did... Your intolerance has snatched Mr. Wilmer to us... —Violet pouted now.

—He was an amazing person, someone that loved Miss Demi and us so much... —Aaron added.

—Mr. Valderrama explained us how to be in love felt like some days ago on the break time... —Alexa started to talk—. He told us that it is an intense feeling and that you have the need to be near the person you love all the time... He said that you are the happiest person of the world when you are with that person...

It's Never Too Late-Dilmer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now