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Wilmer's POV

It was finally the last day of school before our Christmas' vacations, so it was the day of the show and the sleepover. That morning we had school like every day, but as the Christmas' party was in the evening, we only had school from 9am to 1pm, and I couldn't be gladder about that, because I really needed to take a nap that day.

The last night was horrible and I couldn't even sleep more than four hours, because the continuous anguish I was feeling kept me from sleeping. I couldn't believe my mom and sister would prepare such a surprise for me, and only God knew how much I wished to see them! But I already had plans with Demi and we had plane tickets and a hotel room booked... I was confused, happy and sad at the same time and I was trying to figure out what the best choice would be.

After taking a nap and thinking about it overnight, I was sure about what I wanted to do, and what the right thing was. So at 6pm I got dressed and I drove back to school ready to make the last effort before our Christmas' vacations started.

Normal POV

—Good evening! We are here!! —Wilmer shouted, getting in Demi's classroom with all his students.

Demi, who was taking the costumes from the class' closet turned over to see them.

—Welcome guys!!! —she replied happily—. Who's ready for the show?

It was not easy to control all the excited children, but Demi and Wilmer got to make the last rehearsal of the day and then they headed to help the children to dress their costumes and do their makeup.

At 8pm the school's auditorium was full of nervous students ready to perform and full of parents who desired to see and film their happy children enjoying the stage.

The show started with first graders' dance so it was soon the time for second graders. The director, Mr. Davis, who was the one that was hosting the show called them and Demi and Wilmer leaded their students to the stage holding hands. Each one of them took their places and they started to sing the song's mashup they had prepared.

"You better watch out,
you better not cry,
you better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town!

He sees you when you're sleeping,
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you've been bad or good,
so be good for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh.

Jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh!"

"We wish you a merry Christmas
we wish you a merry Christmas
we wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!

Glad tidings we bring
to you and your kin
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year"

When they finished every one clapped at them and Demi's and Wilmer's students' parents congratulated them.

—It was beautiful, love! —Violet's mom, Wilmer's student, said, kissing her daughter—. You've done an amazing job! —she added, turning over to Demi and Wilmer.

—Thank you! —They smiled at her.

—Miss Demi, we need to leave already! —Lorraine's mom said—. We need to take a plane! —she added hugging Demi—. Congrats for your big work and effort! Have a bright Christmas!

—Thank you so much! Same to you! —Demi replied, smiling—. Merry Christmas Lorraine! May Santa bring you beautiful gifts! —she said, waving at her little student.

After the show ended and the teachers said goodbye to the parents, and the students who weren't joining them at the sleepover, it was time for them to go to their classrooms and let the party begin.

Demi and Wilmer helped their students to put on their pajamas and they also removed their makeup.

Then, they headed to the school's gym where teachers had prepared the cinema night and the pizza for the dinner...

Demi and Wilmer were more relaxed now that the show was finished and their performance came out well, so they were ready to enjoy and have fun at the sleepover party.

But... What if the night wasn't as great as they expected it to be?


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Monday-Tuesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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