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Normal POV

Weeks had gone by fast since Wilmer and Demi discovered Lucía's plan. They had spent some rough days, but they helped each other and things were in its place again. It was Wednesday, June 7th and there were just three days of school before summer vacations, which would start that same week's Friday.

Students, the same as teachers, they were really happy and excited about summer. It was clear; as their smiles could light up the days like the June's sun did every morning when they went to school.

Demi had woken up an hour earlier that morning. The sun was shining since 6am and it was warm outside, so she decided to go jogging before school, like she used. She came back home just early enough to have a shower and a fast breakfast to get to school on time. So she took a shower, brushed her hair, did her make up and put a short white dress on. Then, she ate a little muffin and brushed her teeth, before putting some coffee into a takeaway glass and leaving home.

At the same time, into a close neighborhood, some apartments further away, Wilmer woke up motivated to face that third day of the week. He made his bed and got dressed; he went downstairs and prepared himself an orange juice and a coffee with some biscuits. He started to eat while he scrolled his finger down his phone's screen, reading the news of the day in the online newspapers. Then, he brushed his teeth too, and poured himself some cologne before sending a message to her girlfriend.

Wilmer: Morning baby! Have you seen how brightly the sun shines today? It's almost as beautiful as seeing you smile! 😍 See you soon at school!

Demi felt her phone buzz and replied before getting in her car:

Baby: 😍😍😍😍 Thanks for that compliment handsome! 😜 It's such a beautiful day today! Yess! May we start thinking about any plan for this afternoon? 😏 Can't waste this weather! 💪💪

Both of them took their cars and started their daily way to school. The day looked awesome and that was written on their faces, but everybody knows a day can change in a matter of seconds... and theirs was totally about to change... for better... or worse.

Wilmer's POV

It was not easy to find a place to park my car in the parking of the school, as it was full of parents accompanying their children to the school's entrance door. I spent some minutes going round and round with the car until I found a place and I could get out. I walked calmly to the entrance while I saw how people wouldn't stop looking at me. It felt strange but I waved at those parents, politely and I kept walking. I searched my classroom's key into my pocket to take it before I'd get to the school and it was in that moment when I realized how crowded the porch was. I frowned, confused, and I kept walking directly to all of them.

—Mr. Wilmer! —Violet called me crying next to her mom who was hugging her—. We don't have anything to do with this, I swear!

I listened to her and raised my head scared when I got petrified staring at the school's out and inner walls.

—What the hell is this —I murmured to myself, bringing my hands to my head, astonished.

All the students and parents around were looking at me. Some of them in disapproval, but I could also feel some of them feeling sad or sorry for me. I got closer to make sure that it was what it looked like and of course it was. Demi's and I's most personal pictures, most of them from the camp, were stuck around the whole school.

I turned over and looked to everyone around me trying to figure out what to do. I wondered if Mr. Davis had already seen it, or if I could fix that mess before he would see it. But it was impossible, even if I could take all the pictures off, how would I make everyone to keep the secret?

—Mr. Valderrama, we promise we haven't told anyone, you have to believe it! —some of Demi's students asked.

I turned around again and I started to strip the pictures off the walls, furiously.

—WILMER —I heard a familiar voice shout and I came to a sudden stop.

I looked behind me and saw how Demi held one of our pictures, trying to hold her tears back and staring at me seriously. I threw to the floor all the pictures I had stripped off and stared at her for some seconds.

—I can't understand how this has happened —I got to say—. I'm sorry.

Demi pushed her way through the people while she started to cry, when Mr. Davis got out of the school and approached us.

—Come on, come on! —he shouted—. Students! Get in now! The rest of the people leave the porch! Mr. Valderrama, and Miss Lovato... —he stopped to think—. I want you in my office in 10 minutes!

Demi's POV

I could see how my students hugged their parents crying as they saw how Wilmer and I also cried full of fury. Who would do that to us? I couldn't stop wondering.

Evelyn and Allyson ran to me and hugged me placing their head into my stomach while I also hugged them pulling them closer to me.

—Don't cry Miss Demi —Allyson begged me wiping her tears.

I kissed their foreheads and stroked their backs.

—Come on; let's go upstairs to class... —I pushed them gently into the school.

We all started to get in and I could see Wilmer walking from one side to the other of the porch clearly angry and making sure no one could see him cry.

—Wilmer —I called him, distracting him from his thoughts—. They need you —I told him, pointing at his crying students—... and I need you too —I added.

Normal POV

Miss Kelsey and Mr. Dave were free that morning until break time, so they took the responsibility to take care of Demi's and Wilmer's students while they talked to Mr. Davis.

—Sit down —the director of the school said when Demi and Wilmer got in the room.

Wilmer looked at the while Demi looked at her hands till Mr. Davis started to talk.

—I don't want to know how, neither why it happened, but didn't I warn you? —he said sternly—. I did! I can't even remember how many times I told you not to get involved with any work mate if you don't want to have problems...

At that moment Wilmer reacted and raised his head, grumpily.

—You talk as if falling in love was something people could control —he told to Mr. Davis.

—No, but you can always refuse to have something more that a friendship with that someone —the director replied—. And Miss Demi! You knew what happened last year! You knew how everything ended up like! How did you risk your job that way!?

Demi listened to him, but she decided not to reply. Not because he didn't want to, but because she knew he was right and she didn't know what to say.

—I'm really sorry that I have to say this to you, two amazing and loved teachers, but... the rules are the rules... You know what comes next now —he talked while he collected some papers, like if he didn't want to look at them in their eyes—.... There are just three days until the school year is over and one of you won't be able to continue at Saint Prudence Elementary next year... You've got these three days, until Friday, to decide who is going to keep the job and who is going to lose it... —he explained—. The choice is in your hands.


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it! 4-5 chapters left!

Feel free to vote and to comment your opinion!

Next update: Wednesday-Thursday

Btw! I have thought about another story for a new fanfic, but I'd love to know if you guys would still be interested in Dilmer fanfics😍 or if you prefer not to be Dilmer anymore? Tell me please! I need to think about the characters!

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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