011: Slept

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This poem is figuratively about sleep. I mean “figuratively” because I tried to capture the sensual, feminine essence of beauty, and put it here like it lives because of beauty. And because it lives in beauty, I also added a touch of comfort and imagination, like that of a true dream. And as my poems all have, I added a note of sadness at the end. :)



And close my eyes to jewel’s dream

Let her d’sire sink in my heart

Bring me your sheets of gold and gleam

Where fantasy has set apart

Her bosom’s full with pretty things

Her flow’ry hair like silver moons

Her cotton spell that always sings

With threads that bind like silk cocoons

Her eyes do glow as black as night

Her touch that lingers in the soul

Her fascination’s bright as light

Fills in thy wound, thy burn, thy hole

O Pandora! My life doth spare

Your box is chained within my vein

Thy tears were spilt on desert’s lair

Come, Morpheus! To where I’ve lain

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