081: Water (11 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Jessalyn Ü Gil

Eleventh part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Ma. Jessalyn B. Enriquez], the orb-wielder of the element...



Every second drowns

I stand before seas

Your touch makes me smile

Your gift makes me live

Your heart is so pure

Your soul lingers through

Fingers, elbows, knees

Shoulders, temples, feet

You run throughout me

You fill many days

You make so much sense

You teach, create, give

I can ask no more

I can never pay

It's too much for me

When I give you none

When I bring you shame

All my hatred out

I feel you don't care

When I feel so numb

Every tick is pain

Every mem'ry aches

Every story ends

With a bitter tear

Yet you comfort me

You don't close your doors

You come to my place

With a happy drop

Trickling down my face

You try to love me

It's not all the worth

Sadness crashes back

All your efforts gone

Never to be seen

I stand before waves

The storm rages on

Peace to you and me

Thank you for your time

Every second drowns

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