030: Innocent

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This poem is about how this person just makes my blood boil, like unrequited love or similar to that. I love and hate this person at the same time, and this inconsistency is making me insane, like “Should I love this person or not?” I hate the feeling, but that’s life. Also, I look back at this poem, and I say to myself how weirdly constructed this poem is, like the person I’m talking to.




“Judge fairly, your honor, your highness!

He did not do such treacherous crime.”

“How come then, your hon’rable witness,

That he had not such place and such time?”

"O, honor, he was forced to do it

He was not at perfect reasoning

He'd never so consciously do it

For doing is just such mere killing!"

"A liar! Your honor, isn't he?

He was just in perfect condition

He has that revenge which we can't see

All hidden for huge conflagration"

"I see how you can feign so quickly

But he still can't do such betrayal

His life has an omen unluck'ly

That chance has been set in portrayal"

"Lascivious! How dare you protect him?

He is the crim'nal of his own mess

He must suffer such darkness and dim

And you, for concealing the truth less"

"This halt! The argument is nonsense

How can I perform justice at hand

When ev'rything is molded in tense

And all is at a war in this land?

"Reveal, I will let her speak for now

So that light will be shed on this case

The victim shall swear at the right vow

And she shall be truthful in her base"

"I saw him, he was at condition

He was just as perfect as I do

But part of him has that incision

A stitch at the eye of waterloo

"O, honor, he is not a suspect

But he was fighting for decision

His life was divided in aspect

For he can't combine his partition

"Let him be, your honor, decided

That I may be an apparition

But he swore that he's undecided

For heart and soul hast own decision"

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