046: Missing

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Remake of the poem I lost a year ago.



Midnight skies, cold bonfires

Twenty miles away

Icy blankets, pool of tears

Sleepless yesterday

Motionless at the edge of the cliff

I sat, thoughtfully thinking

Of memories that once prevailed

That has rendered me hopelessly dreaming

All my consciousness torn apart

Re-stitched and re-sewn and restrung

Pictures sting a redundant pain

To which I had hopefully clung

A legacy of doom awaits me

At the end of the crimson path

Yet still, I am dragging this heavy heart

With the strength of my aftermath

My pencil, the key of comfort

Awakened me from the numbness

That crawled and cringed and chastised

And opened me to darkness

Below is the great fulfillment

A paradox of success

Without further hesitation

I dive with all address

Midnight skies, cold bonfires

Clouds all black and gray

Icy blankets, pool of tears

Missing, gone away

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