032: Envious

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Inspired by a Chinese poem I read years ago (no kidding, I was first(?) year back then), I like to take the chance to see if I can adapt different verse styles. As you can see, this poem is one full stanza with no cuts. I tried this kind of writing so that I can train myself to change for some time and do other things out of my comfort zone. Well, I quite succeeded in this, but this poem is not my best; what I'm trying to say is that I'm not that very impressed with it, but I like the theme of deep thought (as always) :))



There are many things

That wishes hold,

That can't unfold

Like a box that sings

Or cries in pain

Till echoes wane

And the world unseen

Where learning dwells

Or moment spells

And a stair has been

Of valued touch

If I had such

But a twist of mind

Can only hope

And never cope

And the reasons bind

With empty air

In great despair

Like a common smile

Where I can see

A book, a tree

And a compact pile

Of paper dolls

And white seagulls

And the coins of gold

Of polished shine

Like crystal wine

That I long to mold

On little hands

Acquire the sands

Or a burning fire

In sheltered bone

And cyclic tone

But all these, admire

When Times do flow

Away they go

And because of Love,

They never did

My story hid

And was sent above

To read the fate

Which was too late

And the book I wrote

Would soon grow old

And never told

While the smallest note

Would still persist

But not exist

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